Tuesday, October 27, 2020

All Saints



I Vespers: Helisachar or Rabanus Maurus:  9th Century


Amalarius of Metz: Prologue of the Antiphonary: Helisachar, Abbot of St. Maximin in Trier

Upon the verses which one shall find scarcely altered if perchance he considers it worth his while to consult the present volume, the priest of God Helisachar—a person with excellent education, most zealous in reading and divine worship, and the first among the first men of the most excellent emperor Louis—labored and sweated. And not only did he labor mightily in this present business but whomsoever he was able to assemble around himself from his students.


Christe, redémptor ómnium,

consérva tuos fámulos,

Beátæ semper Vírginis

placátus sanctis précibus.


Beáta quoque ágmina

cæléstium spirítuum,

prætérita, præséntia,

futúra mala péllite.


Vates ætérni iúdicis

apostolíque Dómini,

supplíciter expóscimus

salvári vestris précibus.


Mártyres Dei íncliti

confessorésque lúcidi,

vestris oratiónibus

nos ferte in cæléstibus.


Chori sanctárum vírginum

monachorúmque ómnium,

simul cum sanctis ómnibus

consórtes Christi fácite.


Sit Trinitáti glória,

vestrásque voces iúngite

ut illi laudes débitas

persolvámus alácriter. Amen.


O Christ, redeemer of all, may it please you to preserve your servants by the holy prayers of the blessed Ever-Virgin. And through the blessed hosts of heavenly spirits drive away past, present and future evils. Prophets of the eternal Judge and Apostles of the Lord we humbly ask to be saved by your prayers. Illustrious Martyrs of God and brightly shining Confessors by your intercession carry us up into heaven. Choirs of holy Virgins and all monks with all the saints make us to share in Christ. Glory to the Trinity, that with your voices joined we may eagerly offer to Him due praises. Amen.


Ad Officium lectionis: 10th Century


Christe, cælórum habitátor alme,

vita sanctórum, via, spes salúsque,

hóstiam clemens, tibi quam litámus,

  súscipe laudis.


Omnium semper chorus angelórum

in polo temet benedícit alto,

atque te sancti simul univérsi

  láudibus ornant.


Vírginis sanctæ méritis Maríæ

atque cunctórum páriter piórum,

cóntine pœnam, pie, quam merémur

  daque medélam.


Hic tuam præsta celebráre laudem,

ut tibi fidi valeámus illam

prósequi in cælis Tríadi canéntes

  iúgiter hymnos. Amen.


O Christ, loving dweller in the heavens, the life of the saints, their way and hope of salvation, mercifully receive the sacrifice, which we offer unto you. The choir of all the holy angels ever bless you in the height of heaven, and all the saints together adorn you with praises. By the merits of the holy Virgin Mary and equally the prayers of all the holy ones, check the punishment, O holy one, which we deserve and grant us healing. Here may we faithfully celebrate your praise and in the heavens ever sing hymns to the Trinity. Amen.


Lauds & II Vespers: 10th Century


Iesu, salvátor sǽculi,

redémptis ope súbveni

et, pia Dei Génetrix,

salútem posce míseris.


Cœtus omnes angélici,

patriarchárum cúnei

ac prophetárum mérita

nobis precéntur véniam.


Baptísta tui prǽvius

et cláviger æthéreus

cum céteris apóstolis

nos solvant nexu críminis.


Chorus sacrátus mártyrum,

sacerdótum conféssio

et virginális cástitas

nos a peccátis ábluant.


Monachórum suffrágia

omnésque cives cǽlici

ánnuant votis súpplicum

et vitæ poscant prǽmium.


Sit, Christe, tibi glória

cum Patre et Sancto Spíritu,

quorum luce mirífica

sancti congáudent pérpetim. Amen.


O Jesus, Savior of the world, come to the aid of the redeemed, and holy Mother of God pray for the salvation of the wretched. May all the angelic hosts, the merits of the cohort of patriarchs and prophets pray for our pardon. May the Baptist your forerunner and Peter the heavenly key bearer with the other apostles undo the bonds of our sins. The holy choir of martyrs, the praise of the priests, the chastity of virgins wash us from our sins. May the intercessions of monks and of all the citizens of heaven favor the prayers of the humble and seek for us the reward of life. O Christ to you be glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit, by whose wondrous light the saints rejoice forever. Amen.

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