Friday, October 2, 2020

BVM on Saturday


At the Office of Readings

Dom Anselmo Lentini, OSB

 O virgo mater, filia
tui beata Filii,
sublimis et humillima
præ creaturis omnibus.

Divini tu consilii
fixus ab ævo terminus,
tu decus et fastigium
naturæ nostræ maximum:

Quam sic prompsisti nobilem
ut summus eius conditor
in ipsa per te fieret
arte miranda conditus.

In utero virgineo
amor revixit igneus,
cuius calore germinant
flores in terra cælici.

Patri sit et Paraclito
tuoque Nato gloria,
qui veste te mirabili
circumdederunt gratiæ.

O Virgin Mother, Daughter of your blessed Son, high and humble beyond all creatures.

You are the completion of the divine plan fixed forever. You are the honor and highest peak of our nature.

What nobility you have brought forth  that the supreme Creator should be born through you, created in a wondrous way.

In a virgin’s womb fiery love was formed, by whose heat heavenly flowers grow on earth.

To the Father, and to the Paraclete, and to your Son be glory, who wonderfully surrounded you with grace.

At Lauds

 Dom Anselmo Lentini, OSB

Quæ caritatis fulgidum
es astrum, Virgo , superis,
spei nobis mortalibus
fons vivax es et profluus.

Sic vales, celsa Domina,
in Nati cor piissimi,
ut qui fidenter postulat,
per te securus impetret.

Opem tua benignitas
non solum fert poscentibus,
sed et libenter sæpius
precantum vota prævenit.

In te misericordia,
in te magnificentia;
tu bonitatis cumulas
quicquid creata possident.

Patri sit et Paraclito
tuoque Nato gloria,
qui veste te mirabili
circumdederunt gratiæ.

What a shining star of love for those above you are, O Virgin;  to us mortals a living and flowing fount of hope.

So you win, O heavenly Lady, the heart of your most holy Son, that he, who faithfully asks through you, entreats confidently.

Your kindness not only grants help to those who plead but more often
anticipate freely the requests of those who pray to you.

In you is mercy, in you is generosity; you the height of whatever goodness creatures can own.  

Glory to the Father and the Paraclete and to your Son, who wondrously adorned and surrounded you with grace. Amen

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