Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Mens and Anima

I fear that I do not have the resources to answer a question about the meaning of the Latin word mens. My impression is that now mens is almost always translated as “soul”, even when the more obvious translation would be ‘mind’ or ‘intellect’. A good example would be the hymn for Lauds today; the Universalis translator renders mentesque nostras attrahunt, taking mentes, as he almost always does as ‘soul’. To some extent this depends on how you translate attrahunt. The Universalis translation has this: ‘and captivate souls’. But the more usual translation of attrahunt: drag, draw, it seems to me would prefer minds being dragged or drawn over souls being dragged or drawn. But the rule now seems to be ‘souls’no matter what. You could draw the conclusion that our minds, our mental capacities, our intellect have little to do with prayer or our relationship with God. I would be grateful if someone could prove me wrong.

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