Thursday, July 16, 2020



Ad Officium lectionis & ad Vesperas: novus

Mágdalæ sidus, múlier beáta,
te pio cultu venerámur omnes,
quam sibi Christus sociávit arcti
  fœdere amóris.

Cum tibi illíus pátefit potéstas
dæmonum vires ábigens treménda,
tu fide gaudes potióre necti
  grata medénti.

Hæret hinc urgens tibi caritátis
vis ut insístas pédibus Magístri,
férvidis illum comitáta semper
  sédula curis.

Tuque complóras Dóminum, crucíque
ímpetu flagrans pietátis astas;
membra tu terges studiósa et ungis
  danda sepúlcro.

Quos amor Christi péperit, triúmphis
nos fac adiúngi sócios per ævum,
atque Dilécto simul affluénter
  pángere laudes. Amen.

O Star of Magdala, blessed woman, all venerate you with holy reverence, whom Christ united to himself in a strong bond of love. When he manifested to you his power, driving away fears, the forces of the demons, you rejoiced in stronger faith in the one who had healed you. Wherefore the power of love keep you and urged you to follow the steps of the Master, ever his companion, fervently dedicated to caring for him.  And you wept for your Lord as you stood under the cross, struck by burning love and you anxiously wiped and anointed his body laid in the tomb.  Make us companions of those to whom Christ’s love has given birth, joined to those who have triumphed forever, and abundantly to sing praises to the Beloved. Amen.

Ad Laudes matutinas: novus

Auróra surgit lúcida
Christi triúmphos áfferens,
cum corpus eius vísere,
María, vis et úngere.

Anhéla curris; ángelus
at ecce lætus prædocet
mortis refráctis póstibus
redísse quem desíderas.

Sed te manet iucúndius
intácti amóris præmium,
cum, voce pulsans vílicum,
tuum Magístrum cónspicis.

Quæ cum dolénti Vírgine
hæsísti acérbo stípiti,
tu prima vivi ab ínferis
es testis atque núntia.

O flos venúste Mágdalæ,
o Christi amóre sáucia,
tu caritátis ígnibus
fac nostra corda férveant.

Da, Christe, tantæ sérvulæ
dilectiónem pérsequi,
et nos tu in cæléstibus
tibi canámus glóriam. Amen.

The sparkling dawn arises, bringing the victories of Christ, when Mary desires to see his body and anoint him. Out of breath you run, but a glad angel proclaims “behold the one whom you desire has broken the doors of death and returned.  But there remains for you the happier reward of chaste love, when by the sound of the gardener’s voice you recognize your Master.  You with the sorrowful Virgin clinging to the bitter tree are the first witness and herald of the one who live from the dead. O lovely flower of Magdala, wounded by love of Christ, make our hearts to burn with the fires of love. Grant us, O Christ, to follow the love of such a great servant and also grant that we may sing your glory in heaven. Amen.

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