Monday, July 13, 2020

St Camillus de Lellis

The Saint Bede Studio Blog: Saint Camillus de Lellis

The old and new collects for St. Camillus are good examples of the way the modern collect obscures the particular charism in the older prayer. In the new prayer it is the generic care of the sick that St. Camillus calls us to imitate.  But in the older prayer St. Camillus exercises a priestly and sacramental ministry, which only a priest can provide. Take your pick. Maybe you do not want to be left out. But for me the older prayer is more accurate and reflects more clearly the teaching of the Church, while in no way saying that lay folks cannot minister to the sick.

Deus, qui sanctum Camillum presbyterum caritatis in infirmos singulari gratia decorasti, eius meritis, spiritum nobis tuae dilectionis infunde, ut, tibi in fratribus servientes, ad te, hora exitus nostri, securi transire possimus. Per Dominum.

O God, who adorned the holy priest Camillus with a singular grace of love for the sick, by his merits pour out upon us the spirit of your love, that serving you in our brothers, we may at the hour of our death come securely to you.

Deus, qui sanctum Camillum, ad animårum in extrémo agöne luctåntium subsidium, singulåri caritåtis prærogat(va decoråsti: ejus, quésumus, méritis, spiritum nobis tuæ dilectiönis infünde; ut in hora éxitus nostri hostem vincere, et ad cæléstem mereåmur corönam pervenire.

O God, Who didst adorn blessed Camillus with a special gift of charity for the help of souls struggling in their last agony, pour upon us, we beseech Thee, by his merits, the spirit of Thy love, that in the hour of our death we may be worthy to overcome the enemy and attain unto the heavenly crown.

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