Wednesday, December 16, 2020

December 17th-24th: Collects


Advent IV: Sunday

Gratiam tuam, quaesumus, Domine, mentibus nostris infunde, ut qui, Angelo nuntiante, Christi Filii tui incarnationem cognovimus, per passionem eius et crucem ad resurrectionis gloriam perducamur.

Pour, O Lord, your grace into our hearts, that we, who have known  the Incarnation of Christ your Son by the message of an Angel, may by his Passion and Cross be brought into the glory of his Resurrection.

Dec. 17

Deus, humanae conditor et redemptor naturae, qui Verbum tuum in utero perpetuae virginitatis carnem assumere voluisti, respice propitius ad preces nostras, ut Unigenitus tuus, nostra humanitate suscepta, nos divino suo consortio sociare dignetur.

O God, Creator and Redeemer of human nature, who willed that your Word should take flesh in an ever-virgin womb, look with favor on our prayers, that your Only Begotten Son, having taken to himself our humanity, may be pleased to grant us a share in his divinity.

Dec. 18

Concede, quaesumus, omnipotens Deus, ut, qui sub peccati iugo ex vetusta servitute deprimimur, exspectata Unigeniti tui nova nativitate liberemur.

Grant, we pray, almighty God, that we, who are weighed down from of old by slavery beneath the yoke of sin, may be set free by the newness of the long-awaited Nativity of your Only Begotten Son.

Dec. 19

Deus, qui splendorem gloriae tuae per sacrae Virginis partum mundo dignatus es revelare, tribue, quaesumus, ut tantae incarnationis mysterium et fidei integritate colamus, et devoto semper obsequio frequentemus.

O God, who through the child-bearing of the holy Virgin graciously revealed the radiance of your glory to the world, grant, we pray, that we may venerate with integrity of faith the mystery of so wondrous an Incarnation and always celebrate it with due reverence.

Dec. 20

Deus, aeterna maiestas, cuius ineffabile Verbum, Angelo nuntiante, Virgo immaculata suscepit, et, domus divinitatis effecta, Sancti Spiritus luce repletur, quaesumus, ut nos, eius exemplo, voluntati tuae humiliter adhaerere valeamus.

O God, eternal majesty, whose ineffable Word the immaculate Virgin received through the message of an Angel and so became the dwelling-place of divinity, filled with the light of the Holy Spirit, grant, we pray, that by her example we may in humility hold fast to your will.

Dec. 21

Preces populi tui, quaesumus, Domine, clementer exaudi, ut, qui de Unigeniti tui in nostra carne adventu laetantur, cum venerit in sua maiestate, aeternae vitae praemium consequantur.

Hear in kindness, O Lord, the prayers of your people, that those who rejoice at the coming of your Only Begotten Son in our flesh may, when at last he comes in glory, gain the reward of eternal life

Dec. 22

Deus, qui, hominem delapsum in mortem conspiciens, Unigeniti tui adventum redimere voluisti, praesta, quaesumus, ut qui humili eius incarnationem devotione fatentur, ipsius etiam Redemptoris consortia mereantur.

O God, who, seeing the human race fallen into death, willed to redeem it by the coming of your Only Begotten Son, grant, we pray, that those who confess his Incarnation with humble fervor may merit his company as their Redeemer.

Dec. 23

Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, nativitatem Filii tui secundum carnem propinquare cernentes, quaesumus, ut nobis indignis famulis tuis misericordiam praestet Verbum, quod ex Virgine Maria dignatum est caro fieri, et in nobis habitare Iesus Christus, Dominus noster.

Almighty ever-living God, as we see how the Nativity of your Son according to the flesh draws near, we pray that to us, your unworthy servants, mercy may flow from your Word, who chose to become flesh of the Virgin Mary and establish among us his dwelling, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Dec. 24

Festina, quaesumus, ne tardaveris, Domine Iesu, ut adventus tui consolationibus subleventur, qui in tua pietate confidunt. Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo Patre in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum.

Come quickly, we pray, Lord Jesus, and do not delay, that those who trust in your compassion may find solace and relief in your coming.

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