Monday, December 21, 2020



Vespers I & II: 6th Century

Christe, redémptor ómnium,
ex Patre, Patris Unice,
solus ante princípium
natus ineffabíliter,

Tu lumen, tu splendor Patris,
tu spes perénnis ómnium,
inténde quas fundunt preces
tui per orbem sérvuli.

Salútis auctor, récole
quod nostri quondam córporis,
ex illibáta Vírgine
nascéndo, formam súmpseris.

Hic præsens testátur dies,
currens per anni círculum,
quod solus a sede Patris
mundi salus advéneris;

Hunc cælum, terra, hunc mare,
hunc omne quod in eis est,
auctórem advéntus tui
laudat exsúltans cántico.

Nos quoque, qui sancto tuo
redémpti sumus sánguine,
ob diem natális tui
hymnum novum concínimus.

O Christ, Redeemer of all, the Father’s only Son, alone begotten ineffably before world began. You the light and splendor of the Father, You the eternal hope of all men, attend to the prayers which thy servants pour forth in all the world. Remember, O Author of our salvation, that once you took the form of our body and were born from the spotless Virgin. This present day gives witness in the passing cycle of the year that you alone came from the throne of the Father as the salvation of the world.  Him sky, earth, Him sea, Him all that is in them praise , exulting in song the coming of their creator. We too, who have been redeemed by your holy blood, on the day of your birth together sing a new hymn.

The Office of  Readings: novus

Candor ætérnæ Deitátis alme,
Christe, tu lumen, vénia atque vita
ádvenis, morbis hóminum medéla,
  porta salútis.

Intonat terræ chorus angelórum
cælicum carmen, nova sæcla dicens,
glóriam Patri, generíque nostro
  gáudia pacis.

Qui iaces parvus dóminans et orbi,
Virginis fructus sine labe sanctæ,
Christe, iam mundo potiáris omni,
  semper amándus.

Násceris cælos pátriam datúrus,
unus e nobis, caro nostra factus;
ínnova mentes, trahe caritátis
  péctora vinclis.

Cœtus exsúltans canit ecce noster,
ángelis læto sociátus ore,
et Patri tecum parilíque Amóri
  cántica laudis. Amen.

Loving Splendor of eternal Divinity, O Christ, you come as light, pardon and life, healing the sickness of men, the gate of salvation.  O earth the choir of angels thunder a heavenly song, proclaiming a new age, glory to the Father and the joy of peace to our race. You who lie but a baby rule the world, the fruit of the holy Virgin without sin, O Christ,  ever-loved, now you rule all the world.  You are born to giver us heaven as our fatherland, one of us, made our flesh, lead our hearts with chains of love. Behold our assembly rejoicing sings gladly with the angels a canticle of praise  to the Father with you, O Christ, and equally to the Spirit, the Bond of Love. Amen.

Lauds: Sedulius

A solis ortus cárdine
adúsque terræ límitem
Christum canámus príncipem,
natum María Vírgine.

Beátus auctor sæculi
servíle corpus índuit,
ut carne carnem líberans
non pérderet quod cóndidit.

Clausæ paréntis víscera
cæléstis intrat grátia;
venter puéllæ báiulat
secréta quæ non nóverat.

Domus pudíci péctoris
templum repénte fit Dei;
intácta nésciens virum
verbo concépit Fílium.

Eníxa est puérpera
quem Gábriel prædíxerat,
quem matris alvo géstiens
clausus Ioánnes sénserat.

Feno iacére pértulit,
præsépe non abhórruit,
parvóque lacte pastus est
per quem nec ales ésurit.

Gaudet chorus cæléstium
et ángeli canunt Deum,
palámque fit pastóribus
pastor, creátor ómnium.

From the point of the rising sun to the end of the earth we sing of the Christ the Prince born of the Virgin Mary. The blessed Maker of the world took our servile body that delivering flesh by flesh that what he had created would not be destroyed. Heavenly grace inters  and is enclosed within the womb of his Mother; the girl’s stomach bears mysteries which does not understand. The home of a pure heart suddenly becomes the temple of God; she untouched and knowing not man, conceived the Son by a word. She brought forth by human birth him, whom Gabriel had foretold, the one whom John enclosed in his mother’s womb leaping for joy acknowledged. The child endured the bed of hay, he did not abhor the manger and he, who lets not the birds hunger is feed with a little milk.  The choir of heavenly beings rejoice and angels sing to God and before the shepherds there is the Shepherd, the Creator of all.

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