Sunday, January 1, 2017


Ad Officium lectionis: Victorius Genovesi

Rerum suprémo in vértice
regína, Virgo, sísteris,
exuberánter ómnium
ditáta pulchritúdine.

Princeps opus tu cétera
inter creáta prænites,
prædestináta Fílium,
qui prótulit te, gígnere.

Ut Christus alta ab árbore
rex purpurátus sánguine,
sic passiónis párticeps
tu mater es vivéntium.

Tantis decóra láudibus,
ad nos ovántes réspice,
tibíque sume grátulans
quod fúndimus præcónium.

Patri sit et Paráclito
tuóque Nato glória,
qui veste te mirábili
circumdedérunt grátiæ. Amen.

You are enthroned at the highest summit of all, O Virgin Queen, enriched with beauty more abundantly than all.  Preeminent in your work you outshine all other creatures, predestined to give birth to the Son, who brought you forth. As Christ high upon the tree was a King stained royal purple by his blood,  so  you are the Mother of all the living by sharing in his passion. Decked with such high praises, behold us who celebrate you, and gladly receive the lauds we pour out to you. To the Father and Paraclete and to you, the Son, glory, who wondrously adorned and surrounded you with grace. Amen.

Ad Laudes matutinas: saec. IX

O quam glorífica luce corúscas,
stirpis Davídicæ régia proles,
sublímis résidens, virgo María,
supra cælígenas ætheris omnes.

Tu, cum virgíneo mater honóre,
cælórum Dómino péctoris aulam
sacris viscéribus casta parásti;
natus hinc Deus est córpore Christus:

Quem cunctus vénerans orbis adórat,
cui nunc rite genu fléctitur omne,
a quo te pétimus subveniénte
abiéctis ténebris gáudia lucis.

Hoc largíre, Pater lúminis omnis,
Natum per próprium, Flámine Sancto,
qui tecum nítida vivit in æthra
regnans ac móderans sæcula cuncta. Amen.

O with what glorious light you shine, royal offspring of the branch of David, enthroned on high, O Virgin Mary, over all the heavenly born. hosts, a mother honored with virginity, your heart a palace for the Lord of heaven, you prepared a place for him within your holy womb, there God-Christ was born in a body. He whom all the world worships and adores. Before whom every knee is rightly bent, from whom, we ask you that you dispel the darkness with the joy of light. Grant this, O Father of all light, through your Son in the Holy Spirit, who with you lives in heavenly brightness, ruling and governing all things. Amen.

Ad Vesperas: saec. XII

Mole graváti críminum
ad te, regína cælitum,
confugiéntes, póscimus
nostris ut adsis précibus.

Ætérnæ vitæ iánua,
aurem nobis accómmoda,
per quam spes vitæ rédiit,
quam Eva peccans ábstulit.

Tu princeps, mater Príncipis,
vitam depósce fámulis,
et pæniténdi spátia
nobis indúlgens ímpetra.

Oránte te, sanctíssima,
sanctórum orant ágmina;
tuis, regína, précibus
conciliétur Dóminus.

Regnátrix mater ómnium,
vota comple fidélium,
ac vitam nos post frágilem
ad veram perduc réquiem.

Sit laus Patri cum Fílio
et Spíritu Paráclito,
qui te præ cunctis cælica
exornavérunt glória. Amen.

Weighted down by the burden of our sins,  fleeing  to you, O Queen of heaven,  we ask that you hear our prayers. Door of eternal life, turn your ears to us, through whom the hope of life returned, which Eve in sin had lost.  You, the Princess, Mother of the Prince, give life to your servants and room for repentance, pray for our forgiveness. When you pray, O Most Holy, the whole company of the saints pray; by your prayers we are reconciled to God. Queen, Mother of all people, fulfill the prayers of the faithful, and after this fragile life lead us to true rest.  Praise be to the Father with the Son,  and to the Spirit the Comforter, who has adorned you with heavenly glory beyond all others. Amen.

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