Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Preces: Lent II: Friday

Friday: Lauds

Christum salvatórem, qui per mortem et resurrectiónem suam nos redémit, implorémus: Dómine, miserére nostri.
Qui Ierúsalem ascendísti ad passiónem subeúndam, ut intráres in glóriam,
—perduc Ecclésiam tuam in Pascha æternitátis.
Qui, in cruce exaltátus, láncea mílitis transfígi voluísti,
—sana vúlnera nostra.
Qui crucem tuam árborem vitæ constituísti,
—fructus eiúsdem baptísmate renátis largíre.
Qui, in ligno pendens, latróni pæniténti pepercísti,
—nobis peccatoribus ignósce.

Let us implore Christ the savior, who through his death and resurrection redeemed us: O Lord, have mercy.
You, who went up to Jerusalem to undergo the passion, that you might enter into your glory, let your Church into the Pascha of eternity.
You, who, lifted upon the cross, did will to be pierced by the lance of a soldier, heal our wounds.
You, who constituted your cross as the tree of life, grant to those reborn in baptism the fruit of the same tree.
You, who hanging on the wood, pardoned the repentant thief, forgive us our sins.


Salvatórem humáni géneris adorémus, qui mortem nostram moriéndo destrúxit et vitam resurgéndo reparávit. Humíliter postulémus: Sanctífica pópulum, quem sánguine tuo redemísti.
Redémptor noster, da nos passióni tuæ per pæniténtiam plénius adhærére,
—ut resurrectiónis glóriam consequámur.
Præsta, ut Matris tuæ, solatrícis afflictórum, protectiónem assequámur,
—mærentésque confortémur ea consolatióne, qua et ipsi a te recreámur.
Fidélibus concéde passiónis tuæ in ærúmnis suis esse partícipes,
—ut salutáre tuum in seípsis maniféstent.
Qui humiliásti teípsum, factus obœdiens usque ad mortem, mortem autem crucis,
—da servis tuis obœdiéntiam et patiéntiam.
Córpori claritátis tuæ defúnctos configuráre dignéris,
—nosque aliquándo eórum redde consórtes.

Let us worship the Savior of the human race, who by his dying destroyed our death and by rising restored life. We humbly pray: Sanctify the people, whom you redeemed by your blood.
Our Redeemer, grant that we may cleave more fully to your passion through penance, that we may attain to the glory of the resurrection.
Grant that we may obtain the protection of your Mother, the solace of the afflicted, and that we may comfort the afflicted with the same consolation, by which we ourselves are retored by you.
Grant that in our own trials we may share in your passion, that your salvation may be manifest in us.
You, who humbled yourself, having been made obedient unto death, even the death of the cross, grant to your servants, obedience and patience.
Vouchsafe to transform the bodies of the departed to be like your own body, and make us at last to partakers with them.

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