Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Preces: Lent III: Saturday: Lauds

Christum Dóminum glorificémus, qui, ut nova creatúra hómines fíerent, lavácrum regeneratiónis instítuit eísque córporis et verbi sui mensam appósuit. Eum deprecémur, dicéntes: Rénova nos, Dómine, grátia tua.
Iesu, mitis et húmilis corde, índue nos víscera misericórdiæ, benignitátem et humilitátem concéde,
—ac patiéntiam cum ómnibus fac nos sectári.
Doce nos vere próximos esse míseris atque afflíctis,
—ut te bonum Samaritánum imitémur.
Beáta Virgo, mater tua, intercédat pro sacris virgínibus,
—ut consecratiónem, qua tibi sunt devótæ, in Ecclésia impénsius colant.
Donum tuæ misericórdiæ nobis largíre,
—ac peccáta et pœnas nobis dimítte.

Let us glorify Christ the Lord, who in order to make men a new creation, instituted the washing of regeneration, and appointed to them the table of his Body and Word. Let us pray to him, saying: Renew us, O Lord, by your grace.
Jesus, meek and lowly of heart, endue us with the tenderness of mercy, grant us kindness and humility,
and make us strive to be patient with all.
Teach us truly to be near to the suffering and afflicted, that we may imitate you, the Good Samaritan.
May the blessed Virgin, your Mother, intercede for the holy virgins, that in the Church they may cultivate more deeply the consecration through which they are devoted to you.
Grant to us the gift of your mercy and forgive our sins and punishments.

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