Thursday, March 14, 2019


Preces:Lent I:Friday:Lauds

Grátias agámus Christo Dómino, qui in cruce móriens nobis vitam cóntulit, eúmque ex corde deprecémur: Per mortem tuam vivífica nos.
Magíster et Salvátor noster, qui fídei tuæ documénta nobis contulísti, nosque innovásti glória passiónis,
—fac ne veterascámus in áctibus pravitátis.
Præsta nobis, ut hódie cibórum saturitátem córpori nostro subtráhere sciámus,
—ut frátribus nostris indigéntibus succurrámus.
Da hunc sanctum quadragesimálem diem a te nos devóte suscípere,
—et per ópera misericórdiæ tibi consecráre.
Córrige mentes nostras rebélles,
—nosque magnánimos éffice.

Let us give thanks to Christ the Lord, who dying upon the cross, conferred life upon us and pray to him from our heart: Through your Death, grant us life.
Our Teacher and Savior, who gave us the witness of faith in you, and renewed us in the glory of the passion, do not let us grow old in disordered acts.
Grant that today we may know how to restrain our bodily appetite for food, that we may come to the aid of our brothers in need.
Grant that we may devoutly receive from you this  holy Lenten day, and to consecrate it to you through works of mercy.
Correct our rebellious wills and make us generous.

 Preces:Lent I:Friday:Vespers

Dóminum Iesum, qui per próprium sánguinem pópulum sanctificávit, deprecémur:
Miserére, Dómine, pópulo tuo.
Redémptor noster, per passiónem tuam tríbue fidélibus membra sua mortificáre, in certamínibus contra mala et advérsa sústine eos, spe róbora firmióre,
—quo expeditióres ad resurrectiónem tuam celebrándam occúrrant.
Fac ut christiáni, ob prophéticum munus, notítiam tui ubíque diffúndant,
—atque ardéntis fídei, spei et caritátis testimónio eam confírment.
Confórta virtúte tua omnes afflíctos,
—eísque consolándis fratérnas fac nos curas impéndere.
Doce fidéles passiónem tuam in ærúmnis suis participáre,
—ut salutáre tuum in seípsis maniféstent.
Auctor vitæ, meménto eórum, qui de hac vita transiérunt,
—eísque resurrectiónis glóriam largíre.

Let us pray to the Lord Jesus, who has sanctified his people in his own blood:
Have mercy on your people, O Lord.
Our Redeemer, grant that through your passion the faithful might mortify their bodies in the battle against evil and sustain them in adversity, firmly strengthen hope, by which they may run more quickly to the celebration of your resurrection.
Grant that Christians through the prophetic vocation may spread abroad knowledge of you everywhere. And confirm it with the testimony of ardent faith, hope and love.
Comfort with your strength all the afflicted, and cause us to give our fraternal care to console them.
Author of life, remember those who have passed from this life: grant to them the glory of the resurrection.

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