Monday, April 13, 2020

Collects: infra octavam Paschae

Feria II, infra Paschae:
Deus, qui Ecclésiam tuam nova semper prole multíplicas, concéde fámulis tuis, ut sacraméntum vivéndo téneant, quod fide percepérunt. Per Dóminum.
O God, who always  increases your Church with new offspring: grant to your servants, that they may by their life cleave to the sacrament, which they have experienced in faith. Through.

Feria III infra octavam Paschæ:
Deus, qui paschália nobis remédia contulísti, pópulum tuum cælésti dono proséquere, ut, perféctam libertátem assecútus, in cælis gáudeat unde nunc in terris exsúltat. Per Dóminum.
O God, who has given to us the paschal remedy, accompany your people with this heavenly gift, that having acquired perfect liberty, they may rejoice in heaven, on account of which they are glad on earth. Through.

Feria IV infra octavam Paschæ:
Deus, qui nos resurrectiónis domínicæ ánnua sollemnitáte lætíficas, concéde propítius, ut, per temporália festa quæ ágimus, perveníre ad gáudia ætérna mereámur. Per Dóminum.
O God, who causes us to rejoice in the annual solemnity of the Lord’s Resurrection, graciously grant that through the temporal feasts, which we celebrate, we may be worthy to attain eternal joys, Through.

Feria V infra octavam Paschæ:
Deus, qui diversitátem géntium in confessióne tui nóminis adunásti, da, ut renátis fonte baptísmatis una sit fides méntium et píetas actiónum. Per Dóminum.
 O God, who has united sundry nations in the confession of your name, grant that those born anew in the font of baptism may be of one mind in faith and good deeds. Through.

Feria VI infra octavam Paschæ:
Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, qui paschále sacraméntum in reconciliatiónis humánæ fóedere contulísti, da méntibus nostris, ut, quod professióne celebrámus, imitémur efféctu. Per Dóminum.
Almighty eternal God, who has established the paschal sacrament as the covenant of human reconciliation, grant to our minds that what we celebrate by profession we may imitate in effect. Through.

Sabbatum infra octavam Paschæ:
Deus, qui credéntes in te pópulos grátiæ tuæ largitáte multíplicas, ad electiónem tuam propítius intuére, ut, qui sacraménto baptísmatis sunt renáti, beáta fácias immortalitáte vestíri. Per Dóminum.
O God, who by gift of your grace increases the number of peoples believing in you, graciously watch over your elect, that those who are reborn in the sacrament of baptism, you may cloth with blessed immortality. Through.

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