Friday, April 24, 2020

Litany of the Saints: Major and Minor Rogation Days

St. Charles Borromeo leads a plague procession.

The Litany of the Saints is said after Lauds on April 25 and on the three days before Ascension. But surely it is appropriate any time duriing an epidemic, with or without the  procession.

I. Supplicatio ad Deum
I. Prayer to God
V. Lord, have mercy.
R. Kýrie, eléison.
R. Lord, have mercy.
V. Christe, eléison.
V. Christ, have mercy.
R. Christe, eléison.
R. Christ, have mercy.
V. Kýrie, eléison.
V. Lord, have mercy.
R. Kýrie, eléison.
R. Lord, have mercy.
V. Christe, audi nos.
V. Christ, hear us.
R. Christe, exaudi nos
R. Christ, graciously hear us.
V. Pater de cælis, Deus.
V. O God the Father of heaven.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy upon us.
V. Fili, Redémptor mundi, Deus.
V. O God the Son, Redeemer of the world.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy upon us.
V. Spíritus Sancte, Deus.
V. O God the Holy Ghost.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy upon us.
V. Sancta Trínitas, unus Deus.
V. O Holy Trinity, one God.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy upon us.
II. Invocatio Sanctorum
II. Invocation of Saints
A. Virgo Maria et Angeli
A. Virgin Mary and Angels
V. Sancta María.
V. Holy Mary.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancta Dei Génetrix.
V. Holy Mother of God.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancta Virgo vírginum.
V. Holy Virgin of virgins.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancti Míchael, Gábriel et Ráphael.
V. Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.
R. Oráte pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Omnes sancti Angeli.
V. All the holy Angels.
R. Oráte pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
B. Patriárchæ et Prophétæ
B. Patriarchs and Prophets.
V. Sancte Abraham.
V. Saint Abraham.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Móyses.
V. Saint Moses.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Elía.
V. Saint Elijah.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Ioánnes Baptísta.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Ioseph.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Omnes sancti Patriárchæ et Prophétæ.
V. All the holy Patriarchs and Prophets.
R. Oráte pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
C. Apóstoli et Discípuli
C. Apostoles and Disciples
V. Sancti Petre et Paule.
V. Saints Peter and Paul.
R. Oráte pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Andréa.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancti Ioánnes et Iacóbe.
V. Saints John and James.
R. Oráte pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Thoma.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Matthǽe.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Omnes sancti Apóstoli.
V. All the holy Apostles.
R. Oráte pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Luca.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Marce.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Bárnaba.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancta María Magdaléna.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Omnes sancti Discípuli Dómini.
V. All the holy Disciples of the Lord.
R. Oráte pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
D. Martyres
D. Martyrs
V. Sancte Stéphane.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Ignáti (Antiochéne).
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Polycárpe.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Iustíne.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Laurénti.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Cypriáne.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Bonitáti.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Stanisláe.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Thoma (Becket).
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancti Ioánes (Fisher) et Thoma (More).
V. Saints John (Fisher) and Thomas (More).
R. Oráte pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Paule (Miki).
V. Saint Paulo (Miki).
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancti Ioánnes (de Brébeuf) et Isaac (Jogues).
R. Oráte pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Petre (Chanel),
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Cárole (Lwanga).
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sanctæ Perpétua et Felícitas.
R. Oráte pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancta Agnes.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancta María (Goretti).
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Omnes sancti Mártyres.
V. All the holy Martyrs.
R. Oráte pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
E. Episcopi et Doctores
E. Bishops and Doctors
V. Sancti Leo et Gregóri.
V. Saints Leo and Gregory.
R. Oráte pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Ambrósi.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Hierónyme.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Augustíne.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Athanási.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancti Basíli et Gregóri (Nazianzéne).
V. Saints Basil and Gregory (of Nazianzus).
R. Oráte pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Ioánnes Chrysóstome.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Martine.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Patríci.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancti Cyrílle et Methódi.
R. Oráte pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Cárole (Borromeo).
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Francísque (de Sales).
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Pie (Decime).
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
F. Presbyteri et religiosi
F. Priests and religious
V. Sancte Antóni.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Benedícte.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Bernárde.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancti Francísce et Domínice.
V. Saints Francis and Dominic.
R. Oráte pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Thoma (de Aquino).
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Ignáti (de Loyola).
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Francísce (Xavier).
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Vincénti (de Paul).
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Ioánnes María (Vianney).
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancte Ioánnes (Bosco).
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancta Catharína (Senensis).
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancta Terésia (de Ávila).
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancta Rosa (de Lima).
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
G. Laici
G. Lay
V. Sancte Ludovíce.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancta Mónica.
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Sancta Elísabeth (Hungariæ),
R. Ora pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
V. Omnes Sancti et Sanctæ Dei.
V. All the Holy men and women.
R. Oráte pro nobis.
R. Pray for us.
III. Invocato ad Christum
III. Invocation to Christ
V. Propítius esto.
V. Lord, be merciful.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.
R. Lord, save your people.
V. Ab omni malo.
V. From all evil.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.
R. Lord, save your people.
V. Ab omni peccáto.
V. From all deadly sin.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.
R. Lord, save your people.
V. Ab insídiis diaboli.
V. From the snares of the devil.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.
R. Lord, save your people.
V. Ab ira, et ódio, et omni mala voluntáte.
V. From anger, and hatred, and all ill-will.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.
R. Lord, save your people.
V. A morte perpetua.
V. From everlasting damnation.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.
R. Lord, save your people.
V. Per incarnatiónem tuam,
V. By your Incarnation.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.
R. Lord, save your people.
V. Per nativitátem tuam.
V. By your Birth.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.
R. Lord, save your people.
V. Per baptísmum et sanctum ieiúnium tuum.
V. By your Baptism and holy Fasting.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.
R. Lord, save your people.
V. Per crucem et passiónem tuam.
V. By your Cross and Passion.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.
R. Lord, save your people.
V. Per mortem et sepultúram tuam.
V. By your Death and Burial.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.
R. Lord, save your people.
V. Per sanctam resurrectiónem tuam.
V. By your holy Resurrection.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.
R. Lord, save your people.
V. Per admirábilem ascensiónem tuam.
V. By your wonderful Ascension.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.
R. Lord, save your people.
V. Per effusiónem Spíritus Sancti.
V. By the coming of the Holy Spirit.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.
R. Lord, save your people.
V. Per gloriósum advéntum tuum.
V. On the day of judgement.
R. Líbera nos, Dómine.
R. Lord, save your people.
V. Christe, Fili Dei vivi.
V. Christ, Son of the living God.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy on us.
V. Qui in hunc mundum venísti.
V. You came into this world.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy on us.
V. Qui in cruce pependísti.
V. You suffered for us on the cross.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy on us.
V. Qui mortem propter nos accepísti.
V. You died to save us.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy on us.
V. Qui in sepúlcro iacuísti.
V. You lay in the tomb.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy on us.
V. Qui a mórtuis resurrexísti.
V. You rose from the dead.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy on us.
V. Qui in cælos ascendísti.
V. You ascended to heaven.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy on us.
V. Qui Spíritum Sanctum in Apóstolos misísti.
V. You sent the Holy Spirit upon Your apostles.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy on us.
V. Qui sedes ad déxteram Patris.
V. You are seated at the right hand of the Father.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy on us.
V. Qui ventúrus es iudicáre vivos et mórtuos.
V. You will come again to judge the living and the dead.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy on us.
IV. Supplicatio pro Variis Necessitatibus
IV. Prayer for Various Needs
V. Ut nobis parcas.
V. Lord, be merciful to us.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.
R. Lord, hear our prayer.
V. Ut ad veram pæniténtiam nos perdúcere dignéris.
V. That it may please thee to give us repentance.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.
R. Lord, hear our prayer.
V. Ut ómnibus benefactóribus nostris sempitérna bona retríbuas.
V. That it may please thee to bestow on all our benefactors thine everlasting benefits.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.
R. Lord, hear our prayer.
V. Ut fructus terræ dare et conserváre dignéris.
V. That it may please thee to give and preserve to our use the kindly fruits of the earth.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.
R. Lord, hear our prayer.
V. Ut nobis indulgeas.
V. That it may please thee to pity and pardon us.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.
R. Lord, hear our prayer.
V. Ut mentes nostras ad cæléstia desidéria érigas.
V. That it may please thee to endue our hearts with heavenly desires.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.
R. Lord, hear our prayer.
V. Ut ánimas nostras, fratrum, propinquórum et benefactórum nostrórum ab ætérna damnatióne erípias.
V. That it may please thee to deliver from eternal damnation our souls, and those of our brethren, kindred, and benefactors.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.
R. Lord, hear our prayer.
V. Ut ómnibus fidélibus defúnctis réquiem ætérnam donáre dignéris.
V. That it may please thee to bestow upon all thy faithful departed rest eternal.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.
R. Lord, hear our prayer.
V. Ut mundum a peste, fame et bello serváre dignéris.
V. That it may please thee to keep us safe from disease, hunger, and war.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.
R. Lord, hear our prayer.
V. Ut cunctis pópulis pacem et veram concórdiam donáre dignéris.
V. That it may please thee to bestow on all the people true peace and concord.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.
R. Lord, hear our prayer.
Precationes sequentes semper cantantur:
The following are always sung:
V. Ut Ecclésiam tuam sanctam régere et conserváre dignéris.
V. That it may please thee to rule and govern thy holy Church.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.
R. Lord, hear our prayer.
V. Ut domnum Apostólicum et omnes ecclesiásticos órdines in sancta religióne conservare dignéris.
V. That it may please thee to preserve the Apostolic Lord, and to keep all orders of the Church in thy sacred religion.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.
R. Lord, hear our prayer.
V. Ut omnibus in Christum credéntibus unitátem largíri dignéris.
V. That it may please thee to give all believers unity in Christ.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.
R. Lord, hear our prayer.
V. Ut omnes hómines ad Evangélii lumen perdúcere digneris.
V. That it may please thee that all men be led to the light of the Gospel.
R. Te rogamus, audi nos.
R. Lord, hear our prayer.
V. Conclusio
V. Conclusion
V. Christe, audi nos.
V. O Christ, hear us.
R. Christe, audi nos.
R. O Christ, hear us.
V. Christe, exáudi nos.
V. O Christ, graciously hear us.
R. Christe, exáudi nos.
R. O Christ, graciously hear us.
V. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi.
V. O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy upon us.
V. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi.
V. O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy upon us.
V. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi.
V. O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world.
R. Miserére nobis.
R. Have mercy upon us.
V. Christe, audi nos.
V. O Christ, hear us.
R. Christe, audi nos.
R. O Christ, hear us.
V. Christe, exáudi nos.
V. O Christ, graciously hear us.
R. Christe, exáudi nos.
R. O Christ, graciously hear us.
V. Kýrie, eléison.
V. Lord, have mercy upon us.
R. Christe, eléison. Kýrie, eléison.
R. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.
V. Deus, refúgium nostrum et virtus, adésto piis Ecclésiæ tuæ précibus, auctor ipse pietátis, et præsta, ut, quod fidéliter pétimus, efficáciter consequámur. Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.
V. Lord God, our strength and protection, hear the prayers of your Church. Grant that when we come to you in faith, our prayers may be answered through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen
R. Amen
V. Deus, qui nos cónspicis ex nostra infirmitáte defícere, ad amórem tui nóminis nos misericórditer per sanctórum tuórum exémpla restáura. Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.
V. Lord God, you know our weakness. In your mercy grant that the example of your Saints may bring us back to love and serve you through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen
R. Amen

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