Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Ad Officium lectionis: novus

O vir beáte, Apóstolis
comes labórum sédule
adiútor atque múneris,
laudes precésque súscipe.

Christi per illos núntios
exórta sunt lætíssima
et veritátis sæcula
et pacis atque gáudii.

Assúmptus et tu cælitus
ad tanta consors póndera,
compar nitéscis glória
potentiáque prómines.

Tu, seminátor lúminis,
fac sole Christi vívido
virére ubíque gérmina
cæli replénda ad hórrea.

Simúlque cum primóribus
summo astitúrus Iúdici,
da nostra solvi débita,
nos da fovéri grátia.

Sit Trinitáti glória,
quæ præstet in cæléstibus
nos eius omni témpore
gaudére tecum præmiis. Amen.

O blessed man, companion to the apostles and honored helper in their difficult work,   receive our praises and prayers. Through those messengers of Christ a most happy time of truth and peace  was proclaimed.  You were taken to dwell and share in heaven for such a great work, shining forth with glory and power equal to the Apostles. You, the sower of light, by living under the sun of Christ make the seeds to grow even to fill the granaries of heaven. May you along with the noble Apostles stand before the highest Judge and grant us absolution of our debts and favor us with grace. Glory to the Trinity, who grants us to rejoice  in rewards with you in heavenly company   for ever. Amen.

Ad Laudes matutinas & Ad Vesperas: novus

Méntibus lætis tua festa, Marce,
atque pergrátis celebrámus omnes,
magna qui Christi tribuísse plebi
  te memorámus.

Matris exémplis, vénerans amóre
férvido Petrum, séqueris fidélis,
verba de Christi lábiis ab ipso
  hausta recóndis.

Spíritu accénsus, módico libéllo
mira tu summi réseras Magístri
gesta, tu narras quibus et loquélis
  ínstruat orbem.

Carus et Paulo, studiósus eius
cordis ardóres ímitans, labóras,
multa pro Iesu páteris, cruórem
  fundis amánter.

Laus, honor Christo, decus atque virtus,
cuius et testes valeámus esse,
ac, tuis escis recreáti, in ævum
  cérnere vultum. Amen.

With joy and thankfulness, O mark, we all celebrate your feast, we remember the great things of Christ you taught the people.  You followed faithfully the example of the Mother, venerating with fervent love Peter, you recorded the words drawn from the lips of Christ. Enkindled by the Spirit in your short gospel you revealed the wondrous  deeds of the  Master, you recounted the words by which he taught the world. Dear to Paul, you were anxious to imitate the fervor of his heart, to suffer much for the sake of Jesus, you lovingly poured out your blood. Praise and honor, glory and power to Christ, whose witnesses may we also be and refreshed by the nourishment of your gospel contemplate his face forever. Amen.

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