Wednesday, April 29, 2020


(potius sero quam numquam)

Ad Officium lectionis: saec. XIV

Virgo prudéntum comitáta cœtum
óbviam sponso véniens paráta,
noctis horréndæ rémovet tenébras
  lámpade pura.

Ille fulgéntem nítidis lapíllis
ánulum miri tríbuit decóris
vírgini dicens: «Tibi trado sancti
  pignus amóris».

Mota flagrántis stímulo calóris
mentis excéssu rápitur frequénti,
fixa dum portat Catharína membris
  vúlnera Christi.

Unde ter felix quater et beáta
in sinu sponsi requiévit almi,
inter illústres ánimas reláta
  lux nova cæli.

Sit Deus cæli résidens in arce,
trinus et simplex benedíctus ille,
qui potens totum stábili gubérnat
  órdine mundum. Amen.

A virgin in the company of the wise virgins comes prepared to meet the bridegroom and removes the fearful darkness of night with an unsullied lamp. A bright glittering with shining stones, wondrous in beauty, he gives to the virgin, saying “I handover to you a pledge of my holy love.” Moved by a prick of burning heat Catherine is caught up in rapture beyond human thought, while she carries fixed in her body the wounds of Christ.  Whence three times happy and four times blessed she rested on the breast of her nourishing spouse, she is now a new light brought among the illustrious souls of heaven.  Blessed be God triune and simple residing in the height of heaven who powerfully governs the world in a certain order. Amen.

Ad Laudes matutinas & Ad Vesperas

Te, Catharína, máximis
nunc venerámur láudibus,
cunctæ lumen Ecclésiæ,
sertis ornáta plúrimis.

Magnis aucta virtútibus
et vita florens ínclita,
húmili mente ac strénua
per crucis pergis trámitem.

Stella vidéris pópulis
salúbris pacis núntia;
mores restáuras óptimos,
feróces mulces ánimos.

Sancto compúlsa Spíritu,
igníta verba lóqueris,
quæ lucem sapiéntiæ,
æstus amóris íngerunt.

Tuis confísos précibus,
virgo dilécta Dómino,
nos caritáte cóncitos
fac Sponsi regna quærere.

You, O Catherine, now we venerate with the greatest praises, light of the whole Church, adorned with many garlands. Enriched with great virtues and a flourishing and noble life, with a humble and strong soul you trod the way of the cross. You appeared as a star to the people, a herald of saving peace; you restored the best ways of life and calmed angry souls. Driven by the Holy Spirit you spoke fiery words which engendered the light of wisdom and ardor of love. O virgin beloved by the Lord, make us, who trust in your prayers, aroused by love to seek the kingdom of your spouse.

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