Friday, April 3, 2020

Preces: Holy Week

Palm Sunday

Vespers I

Christum adorémus, qui passiónem iam subitúrus, videns Ierúsalem, flevit super eam, eo quod non cognovísset tempus visitatiónis suæ. Peccatórum nostrórum pæniténtes, ei supplicémus: Miserére, Dómine, pópulo tuo.
Qui fílios Ierúsalem, sicut gallína cóngregat pullos suos, adunáre voluísti,
—doce omnes agnóscere tempus visitatiónis tuæ.
Ne derelínquas fidéles tuos, qui te dereliquérunt;
—convérte nos et convertémur ad te, Deus noster.
Qui per passiónem tuam es grátiam mundo largítus,
—da ut de Spíritu tuo iúgiter vivámus, quem per baptísmum nobis infudísti.
Per passiónem tuam tríbue fidélibus membra sua mortificáre,
—quo expeditióres ad resurrectiónem tuam celebrándam occúrrant.
Qui regnas in glória Patris,
—meménto eórum, qui hódie decessérunt.

Let us adore Christ, who now is about to undergo his Passion, seeing Jerusalem, he wept over her, because she did not recognize the time of her own visitation. Repenting of our sins, let us entreat Him: Have mercy, O Lord, on Your people.
You who desired to gather the sons of Jerusalem, as a mother hen gathers her young, teach all people to know the time of your visitation.
Do not abandon your faithful, who have abandoned you, turn us and we shall be turned toward you, our God.
Through your Passion, you have given grace to the world, grant that we may live always in your Spirit, whom you have poured out upon us through baptism.
Through your Passion, grant that your faithful mortify their bodies, that they may hasten more quickly to the celebration of your Resurrection.
You who reign in the glory of the Father, remember those who have died today.


Christum adorémus quem, Ierúsalem ingrediéntem, regem et messíam turbæ acclamavérunt. Ipsi confiteámur lætántes: Benedíctus qui venit in nómine Dómini!
Hosánna tibi, Fílio David et regi sæculórum,
—hosánna tibi, triumphatóri mortis et inférni.
Qui Ierúsalem ascendísti ad passiónem subeúndam, ut intráres in glóriam,
—perduc Ecclésiam tuam in Pascha æternitátis.
Qui crucem tuam árborem vitæ constituísti,
—fructus eiúsdem baptísmate renátis largíre.
Qui, Salvátor noster, peccatóres salvos fácere venísti,
—in regnum tuum credéntes, sperántes amantésque perdúcere dignéris.

Let us worship Christ whom the crowds acclaimed as King and Messiah as he entered into Jerusalem. Let us gladly acclaim him: Blessed is he Who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna to you, O Son of David and King of the ages, hosanna to You, triumphant over death and hell.
You, who went up to Jerusalem to undergo Your Passion, in order to enter into glory, * lead your Church into the Pasch of eternity.
You, who made your Cross the tree of life, grant its fruits to those reborn in Baptism.
Our Savior, who came to save sinners, vouchsafe to lead into your kingdom, those who have faith, hope, and love.

Vespers II

Salvatórem humáni géneris, qui Ierúsalem ascéndit ad passiónem subeúndam, ut intráret in glóriam, humíliter exorémus: Sanctífica pópulum, quem sánguine tuo redemísti.
Redémptor noster, da nos passióni tuæ per pæniténtiam plénius adhærére,
—ut resurrectiónis glóriam consequámur.
Præsta, ut Matris tuæ, solatrícis afflictórum, protectiónem assequámur,
—mærentésque confortémus ea consolatióne, qua et ipsi a te recreámur.
Réspice in eos qui propter malítiam nostram defíciunt in via,
—súbveni eis et córrige nos, ut iustítia et cáritas præváleant.
Qui humiliásti teípsum, factus obœdiens usque ad mortem, mortem autem crucis,
—da servis tuis obœdiéntiam et patiéntiam.
Córpori claritátis tuæ defúnctos configuráre dignéris,
—nosque aliquándo eórum redde consórtes.

Let us humbly entreat the Savior of the human race, who went up to Jerusalem to undergo His Passion, so as to enter into his glory: Sanctify the people whom you redeemed by your blood.
Our Redeemer, grant us to cleave ever more fully to your Passion through penance, that we may attain to the glory of the resurrection.
Grant that we may gain the protection of your Mother, the solace of the afflicted, and let us comfort those in sorrow with the same consolation, by which you renew us.
Look upon those who, because of our malice, have fallen from the way, come to their aid and correct us so that justice and charity may prevail.
You who humbled yourself, becoming obedient unto death, even death on the Cross, grant your servants obedience and patience.
Vouchsafe to conform the departed to your glorified Body, and one day make us with them to partake of the same.

Holy Week: Monday -Wednesday: Lauds

Christum salvatörem, qui per mortem et resurrectiönem suam nos redémit, implorémus:
Dömine, miserére nostri.
Qui lerüsalem ascendisti ad passiönem subeündam, ut intråres in glöriam, * perduc Ecclésiam tuam in Pascha æternitåtis.
Qui, in cruce exaltåtus läncea militis transfigi voluisti, * sana vülnera nostra.
Qui crucem tuam ärborem vitæ constituisti, * fructus eiüsdem baptismate renätis largire.
Qui, in ligno pendens, Iatröni pæniténti pepercisti, * nobis peccatöribus ignösce.

Let us implore Christ the Savior, who through his death and resurrection has redeemed us: O Lord, have mercy upon us.
You, who did go up to Jerusalem to endure the passion, that you might enter into glory, lead your Church into the eternal Pasch.
Lifted up upon the Cross, it was your will to be pierced by the soldier’s spear, heal our wounds.
You made your Cross to be the tree of life, grant the same fruits to those born again in baptism.
Hanging upon the tree you pardoned the penitent thief, pardon our sins.

Holy Week: Monday-Wednesday: Vespers

Salvatörem humani géneris adorémus, qui mortem nostram moriéndo destrüxit et vitam resurgéndo reparävit. Humiliter postulémus:
Sanctifica pöpulum, quem sänguine tuo redemisti.
Redémptor noster, da nos passiöni tuæ per pæniténtiam plénius adhærére, * ut resurrectiönis glöriam consequämur.
Præsta, ut Matris tuæ, solatricis afflictörum, protectiönem assequämur, * mærentésque confortémus ea consolatiöne, qua et ipsi a te recreämur.
Fidélibus concéde passiönis tuæ in ærümnis suis esse participes, * ut salutäre tuum in seipsis maniféstent.
Qui humiliåsti teipsum, factus obediens usque ad mortem, mortem autem crucis, * da servis tuis obedantiam et patiéntiam.
Cörpori claritätis tuæ defünctos configuräre dignéris, * nosque aliquändo eörum redde consörtes.

Let us worship the Savior of the human race, who by dying destroyed death and by rising restored life. Humbly let us ask: Sanctify the people whom You redeemed by your Blood.
Our Redeemer. grant us to adhere more fully to your Passion through penance, * that we may attain the glory of the Resurrection.
Grant that we may obtain the protection of your Mother, the solace of the afflicted, * and that we may comfort those in sorrow with the same consolation, by which you recreate us.
Grant that the faithful may participate in your passion by their trials, * that they may show reveal your salvation in their lives.
You Who humbled Yourself, being obedient unto death, even the death on the Cross, * grant  your servants obedience and patience.
Vouchsafe to conform the departed to your glorified Body, * and at last make us sharers of the same glory.

Maundy Thursday


Christo, sacerdóti ætérno, quem Pater Sancto Spíritu unxit, ut prædicáret captívis indulgéntiam, humíliter supplicémus: Dómine, miserére nostri.
Qui Ierúsalem ascendísti ad passiónem subeúndam, ut intráres in glóriam,
—perduc Ecclésiam tuam in Pascha æternitátis.
Qui, in cruce exaltátus, láncea mílitis transfígi voluísti,
—sana vúlnera nostra.
Qui crucem tuam árborem vitæ constituísti,
—fructus eiúsdem baptísmate renátis largíre.
Qui, in ligno pendens, latróni pæniténti pepercísti,
—nobis peccatóribus ignósce.

To Christ the eternal Priest, whom the Father anointed with the Holy Spirit, to pardon to captives, let us humbly pray: O Lord, have mercy upon us.
You, who went up to Jerusalem to undergo the Passion, that you might enter into glory, * lead your Church into the eternal Pasch.
You, lifted up on the Cross, willed to be pierced by the lance of the soldier, heal our wounds.
You, who made your Cross as the tree of life, * grant to those born again in Baptism the fruits of the same.
You, who, hanging on the wood of the Cross, pardoned the repentant thief, forgive us sinners.


Salvatórem nostrum adorémus, qui Ecclésiæ in Cena novíssima, qua nocte tradebátur, mortis et resurrectiónis suæ memoriále commendávit perénniter celebrándum. Orémus, dicéntes: Sanctífica pópulum, quem sánguine tuo redemísti.
Redémptor noster, da nos passióni tuæ per pæniténtiam plénius adhærére,
—ut resurrectiónis glóriam consequámur.
Præsta, ut Matris tuæ, solatrícis afflictórum, protectiónem assequámur,
—mærentésque confortémus ea consolatióne, qua et ipsi a te recreámur.
Fidélibus concéde passiónis tuæ in ærúmnis suis esse partícipes,
—ut salutáre tuum in seípsis maniféstent.
Qui humiliásti teípsum, factus obœdiens usque ad mortem, mortem autem crucis,
—da servis tuis obœdiéntiam et patiéntiam.
Córpori claritátis tuæ defúnctos configuráre dignéris,
—nosque aliquándo eórum redde consórtes.

Let us worship our Savior, who has handed over to the Church at the Last Supper, on the night in which He was betrayed, the memorial of his Death and Resurrection to be celebrated perennially. Let us pray, saying: Sanctify the people whom you have saved by your Blood.
Our Redeemer, grant us through penance to cling more fully to your Passion, * that we may attain the glory of the Resurrection.
Grant that we may seek the protection of your Mother, the solace of the afflicted, * and may we who mourn be comforted by that same consolation, by which you create us anew.
Grant to your faithful, in their difficulties, to share in your Passion, * that they may manifest in themselves your salvation.
You, who humbled Yourself, made obedient even unto death, death on the Cross, * grant to your servants obedience and patience.
Vouchsafe to configure the departed to the brightness of your body, * and at last make us partakers  of the same.

Good Friday


Redemptórem nostrum, qui pro nobis passus et sepúltus est, ut resúrgeret, sincéra pietáte adorémus eúmque súpplices implorémus: Miserére nostri, Dómine.
O Dómine et Magíster noster, pro nobis usque ad mortem factus es obœdiens,
—doce nos voluntáti Patris semper obœdíre.
Tu, vita nostra, qui, in ligno móriens, inférnum et mortem destruxísti,
—da nos tecum cómmori, ut tecum in glória resuscitémur.
O Rex noster, qui es oppróbrium hóminum factus et tamquam vermis calcátus,
—doce nos tuam humilitátem indúere salutárem.
Salus nostra, qui vitam tuam pro diléctis frátribus tradidísti,
—præsta, ut eádem caritáte nos ínvicem diligámus.
Salvátor noster, qui, expánsis in cruce mánibus, traxísti ad te ómnia sæcula,
—in regno salútis tuæ univérsos cóngrega fílios Dei dispérsos.

With sincere devotion let us adore our Redeemer, who died and was buried for us, that He might rise, and let us humbly implore Him: Have mercy upon us, O Lord.
O Lord and our Teacher, for us you became obedient unto death, teach us ever to obey the will of the Father.
You, our Life, who, dying on the wood, destroyed hell and death, * grant us to die with you, that we may be raised with you in glory.
O our King, who was made the reproach of men and was crushed like a worm, * teach us to put on your saving humility.
Our Salvation, who handed over your life for your beloved brethren, * grant that with the same charity, we may love one another.
Our Savior, who, with hands outstretched on the Cross, drew to yourself all the ages, * gather into the Kingdom of your salvation all the scattered  sons of God.


Dómini nostri Iesu Christi mortem pie commemorántes, ex qua mundo vita proflúxit, Deum Patrem deprecémur, dicéntes: Per mortem Fílii tui exáudi nos, Dómine.
Ecclésiam tuam coadúna.
Papam nostrum N. tuére.
Cunctos órdines et fidéles pópuli tui Spíritu sanctífica.
Catechumenórum fidem et intelléctum adáuge.
Cóngrega christiános.
Iudæos ad redemptiónis perduc plenitúdinem.
In Christum non credéntes luce claritátis tuæ illústra.
Te negántibus signa tuæ pietátis in rebus creátis revéla.
Rempúblicam moderántium mentes et corda dírige.
Omnes tribulátos consoláre.
Defúnctis succúrre.

In place of these intercessions, the universal prayer which is found in the Missal for this day may be used. Therefore, at one's choice, the prayers can be taken from those here given, or there may be silent prayer according to these intentions.

Commemorating devotedly the Death of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which life was poured out for the world, let us entreat God the Father, saying: Through the death of your Son, hear us, O Lord.
Gather your Church.
Watch over our Pope, Francis.
Sanctify all the ordained and faithful of your people with the Spirit.
Increase the faith and understanding of the catechumens.
Unite Christians.
Lead the Jews to the fullness of redemption.
Enlighten those who do not believe in Christ with the light of Your glory.
Reveal, to those who deny you, the signs of Your goodness in the things of creation.
Direct the minds and hearts of civil authorities.
Console all who are troubled.
Hasten to the aid of the deceased.

Holy Saturday


Redemptórem nostrum, qui pro nobis passus et sepúltus est, ut resúrgeret, sincéra pietáte adorémus eúmque súpplices implorémus: Miserére nostri, Dómine.
Christe salvátor, mæréntem Matrem tuam cruci et sepultúræ tibi próxime astáre voluísti:
—ita nos in afflictiónibus nostris fac passiónis tuæ partícipes.
Christe Dómine, sicut granum in terram cadens, divínæ vitæ nobis fructum attulísti:
—fac ut, peccáto mórtui, Deo vivámus.
Pastor noster, iacens sepúltus, ómnibus abscónditus permansísti:
—vitam nostram tecum in Patre abscónditam amáre nos doce.
Novus Adam, in regnum mortuórum descendísti, ut de mortis cárcere iustos ab orígine mundi ibi deténtos liberáres:
—fac ut omnes, in sepúlcro scélerum iacéntes, áudiant vocem tuam et vivant.
Christe, Fili Dei vivi, nos tecum per baptísmum consepelíri tribuísti:
—fac ut, resurrectióni tuæ configuráti, in novitáte vitæ ambulémus.

With sincere devotion let us adore our Redeemer, who died and was buried for us, that He might rise, and let us humbly implore Him: Have mercy upon us, O Lord.
O Christ the Savior, you willed that your sorrowful Mother stand close by your Cross and tomb: make us also, in our afflictions, participants in your Passion.
Christ the Lord, as grain falling to the earth, you brought forth for us the fruit of divine life, make us dead to sin, that we may life for God.
Our Shepherd, lying buried, you remained hidden from all things: * teach us to love our life hidden with you in the Father.
O New Adam, you descended into the realm of the dead, that you might free from the prison of death the righteous ones held there from the beginning of the world: * grant that all who lie in the tomb of sin may hear your voice and live.
Christ, Son of the living God, you granted to us to be buried with you through Baptism: * grant that configured to your Resurrection, we may walk in newness of life.

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