Sunday, May 23, 2021

A Bundle of Saints


Saint Gregory VII, Pope

Lauds: Non vos estis qui loquímini, sed Spíritus Patris vestri, qui lóquitur in vobis.

It is not you who speak, but the Spirit of the Father, who speaks in you.

Da Ecclésiæ tuæ, quǽsumus, Dómine, spíritum fortitúdinis zelúmque iustítiæ, quibus beátum Gregórium, papam, claréscere voluísti, ut, iniquitátem réprobans, quæcúmque recta sunt líbera exérceat caritáte.

Grant to your Church, we bessech you, O Lord, the spirit of strength and zeal for justice, by which you desired blessed Pope Gregory to shine, that rejecting iniquity, she will freely exercise charity.

Vespers: Iste est fidélis et prudens dispensátor, quem constítuit Dóminus super famíliam suam, ut daret illis in témpore trítici mensúram.

This is the wise steward, whom the Lord has set over his family, that he might give to them their food in due season

Saint Mary Magdalen de’ Pazzi, Virgin

Lauds: Ecce prudens virgo migrávit ad Christum, fulgens inter choros vírginum sicut sol in virtúte cælésti.

Behold the wise virgin who came to Christ, shining among the choir of virgins as the sun in the strength of heaven

Deus, virginitátis amátor, qui beátam Maríam Magdalénam, vírginem, tuo amóre succénsam donis cæléstibus decorásti, da, ut, quam hódie venerámur, eius puritátis caritatísque imitémur exémpla.

O God, the lover of virginity, who enkindled the blessed virgin, Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi, with love of you and crowned her with heavenly gifts, grant that we who venerate her this day may imitate her example of purity and charity.

Vespers: Veni, sponsa Christi, áccipe corónam, quam tibi Dóminus præparávit in ætérnum.

Come, bride of Christ, receive the crown, which the Lord has prepared for you forever.

Saint Bede the Venerable, Priest, Doctor

Lauds: Qui docti fúerint, fulgébunt quasi splendor firmaménti et, qui ad iustítiam erúdiunt multos, quasi stellæ in perpétuas æternitátes.

Those who are learned will shine as splendor of the firmament, and those who instruct many in righteousness will shine as a star forever.

Deus, qui Ecclésiam tuam beáti Bedæ, presbýteri, eruditióne claríficas, fámulis tuis concéde propítius, et eius semper illustrári sapiéntia, et méritis adiuvári.

O God, who enlightened your Church by the erudition  of blessed Bede, graciously grant to your servants that they may ever be intructed by his wisdom and helped by his merits. 

Vespers: O doctor óptime, Ecclésiæ sanctæ lumen, beáte N., divínæ legis amátor, deprecáre pro nobis Fílium Dei.

O excellent teacher, light of holy Church, blessed lover of divine law, pray for us to the Son of God.

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