Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Tu Christe Nostrum Gaudium: Ascension: Sarum Breviary and Dominican Breviary


Tu Christe nostrum gaudium

Manens Olympo præditum,

Mundo regis Qui fabricam

Mundana vincens gaudia.


Hinc Te precantes quæsumus,

Ignosce culpis omnibus,

Et corda sursum subleva

Ad Te superna gratia.


Ut cum rubente cœperis

Clarere nube iudicis,

Pœnas repellas debitas,

Reddas coronas perditas.


Tu esto nobis gaudium

Qui es futurus præmium,

Sit nostra in Te gloria

Per cuncta semper sæcula.


Gloria Tibi, Domine,

Qui scandis super sidera,

Cum Patre et Sancto Spiritu

Per sempiterna sæcula. Amen.


O Christ, Our Joy, To Whom Is Given: English Hymnal


O Christ, our joy, to whom is given

A throne o’er all the thrones of heaven,

In thee, whose hand all things obey,

The world’s vain pleasures pass away.


So, suppliants here, we seek to win

Thy pardon for thy people’s sin,

That, by thine all-prevailing grace,

Uplifted, we may seek thy face.


And when, all heaven beneath thee bowed,

Thou com’st to judgement throned in cloud,

Then from our guilt wash out the stain

And give us our lost crowns again.


Be thou our joy and strong defence,

Who art our future recompense:

So shall the light that springs from thee

Be ours through all eternity.


O risen Christ, ascended Lord,

All praise to thee let earth accord,

Who art, while endless ages run,

With Father and with Spirit One. Amen.

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