Saturday, May 29, 2021

Holy Trinity

All the hymns for Trinity Sunday are new and all were composed by Dom Anselmo Lentini.  However accomplished Dom Anselmo may have been, very accomplished, one has to say, he had a vast number of traditional hymns for the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, which he could have used instead.

Ad I & II Vesperas

Imménsa et una, Trínitas,
cuius potéstas ómnia
facit regítque témpora
et exstat ante sæcula,

Tu sola pleno súfficis
tibi beáta gáudio;
tu pura, simplex, próvida
cælos et orbem cóntines.

Omnis, Pater, fons grátiæ,
Lumen patérnæ glóriæ,
Sancte utriúsque Spíritus
intermináta cáritas,

Ex te supréma orígine,
Trias benígna, prófluit
creáta quicquid sústinet,
quicquid decóre pérficit.

Quos et coróna múneras
adoptiónis íntimæ,
nos templa fac niténtia
tibi placére iúgiter.

O viva lux, nos ángelis
da iungi in aula cælica,
ut grati amóris láudibus
te concinámus pérpetim. Amen.

You are boundless and one, O Trinity, whose power creates and governs all time, and exists before the ages. You alone are blessed in yourself are sufficient for the fullness of joy; you are perfect, simple, providentially holding in existence the heavens and all the world. O Father, the source of all grace, O light of the Father’s splendor, O Holy Spirit of the Father and the Son, endless love. From you the first cause, O good Trinity, flows that which sustains created things, that which perfects them in beauty. Those whom you have crowned with the gifts of  adoption as sons, make shining temples ever pleasing to you.  O living light, grant that we may  be united to the angels in the heavenly courts that we may forever gratefully sing of you in loving praise. Amen.

Ad Officium lectionis

Te Patrem summum genitúmque Verbum
Flamen ac Sanctum Dóminum faténtur
únicum, quotquot paradísi  
  hortus adúnat.

Quam modis miris, Trias alma, vivas
pércipit nemo, tamen usque in ævum
cælites vultu sátias, alácri
  voce canéntes.

Te canunt mundi statuísse molem,
Lúmine ætérno régere univérsa,
ígnibus celsi refovére Amóris
  corda tuórum.

Mente permísti súperum catérvis,
iam choris illis sociámus hymnos,
qui tua optámus fore sempitérna
  pace beáti. Amen.

You most high Father and Word to the nations are confessed to be one Lord; may as many as are gathered in the pleasant garden of paradise acknowledge you. No one understands  how wondrous you are, O loving Trinity, but forever you satisfy the inhabitants of heaven with the vision of your countenance, as they sing to you with joyful voices.  They sing that you created the great mass of the world, that you rule all things with eternal light, that you warm with the fire of heavenly love those who belong to you.  Even now you allow us in our souls to sing hymns with the gathered choirs of heaven, the blessed, whom we hope to join in your peace. Amen.

Ad Laudes matutinas

Trínitas, summo sólio corúscans,
glóriæ carmen tibi sit perénne,
quæ tenes nostri veheménti amóre
  péctoris ima.

Cónditor rerum, Pater, alma virtus,
quos tuæ vitæ facis atque formæ
esse consórtes, fídei fac usque
  dona meréri.

Candor ætérnæ speculúmque lucis
Nate, quos dicis sociásque fratres,
pálmites viti tibi nos inésse
  da viridántes.

Cáritas, ignis, píetas, poténti
lúmine ac blando móderans creáta,
Spíritus, mentem rénova, fovéto
  íntima cordis.

Hospes o dulcis, Trias obsecránda,
nos tibi iugi fac amóre nexos,
pérpetes donec modulémur hymnos
  teque fruámur. Amen.

O Trinity resplendent on your lofty throne, may a hymn of glory be sung to you forever, you who hold the strongest love deep within our hearts.  Creator of all things, Father, loving power, who make us to share in your image and life, make us worthy of such gifts of faith.  O Son, splendor and mirror of eternal light, you call us and make us your brothers, grant that we may be flourishing branches of your vine.  Love, fire, goodness, you govern all created things with powerful and peaceful light; O Spirit, renew minds, nurture the inner the inner most parts of the heart.  O sweet host, Trinity worthy of all our homage, make us to be joined to you by the bond of love until at last we enjoy you and sing hymns to you forever. Amen.

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