Friday, May 14, 2021

S. MATTHIÆ, APOSTOLI Ad Officium lectionis


Matthía, sacratíssimo
Apostolórum cœtui
quam miro tu consílio
ascríptus es divínitus!

Abscésserat discípulus,
tristi miser suspéndio
magni gradum fastígii
Christíque amórem dénegans.

En Christi te diléctio
ad eius transfert glóriam,
Petri movénte lábia
sortésque Sancto Spíritu.

Tanto dicátus múneri,
lucem revélas géntibus
ad mortem usque, strénuus
Iesum conféssus sánguine.

Da nos, beáte Apóstole,
lætis promptísque córdibus
almus quascúmque Spíritus
vias demónstrat, pérsequi.

Sit Trinitáti glória,
quæ nobis ad cæléstia
per te concédat scándere
hymnósque ætérnos dícere. Amen.


O Matthias, by a wondrous plan, you were appointed by God to the most holy band of the Apostles. The horrid disciple had departed by a sad hanging, denying the place of high honor and the love of Christ. Behold the love of Christ brings you to his glory, moved by the Holy Spirit in the words of Peter and the casting of lots. Commanded to such a great vocation, you reveal the light to the gentiles even to death, powerfully giving witness to Jesus by your blood. Grant to us, O blessed Apostle, with glad and prompt hearts, that we may follow whatever way the gracious Spirit shoes us. Glory to the Trinity, that through you  God may grant us to scale heavenly heights and sing eternal hymns. Amen.

Common of Apostles: Eastertide: Lauds: Saec. X


Claro pascháli gáudio

sol mundo nitet rádio,

cum Christum iam Apóstoli

visu cernunt corpóreo.


Osténsa sibi vúlnera

in Christi carne fúlgida,

resurrexísse Dóminum

voce faténtur pública.


Rex, Christe, clementíssime,

tu corda nostra pósside,

ut tibi laudes débitas

reddámus omni témpore.


Esto perénne méntibus, etc.


Sit, Christe, tibi glória,

qui regno mortis óbruto,

pandísti per Apóstolos

vitæ lucísque sémitas. Amen.


The sun shines its rays upon the world with bright paschal joy, when the Apostles recognize by sight Christ in his body. To them the wounds of Christ are revealed shining in the flesh, with their voice they proclaim openly that the Lord has risen. O Christ, most merciful King, take possession of our hearts, that we may at all times offer you due praise. … To you, O Christ, be glory, who, when the kingdom of death was overwhelmed, revealed to the Apostles, the paths of life and life. Amen.


Common of Apostles: Eastertide: Vespers: Saec. V


Tristes erant Apóstoli

de nece sui Dómini,

quem morte crudelíssima

sævi damnárant ímpii.


Sermóne blando Angelus

prædíxit muliéribus:

«In Galilæa Dóminus

vidéndus est quantócius».


Illæ dum pergunt cóncitæ

Apóstolis hoc dícere,

vidéntes eum vívere,

ósculant pedes Dómini.


Quo ágnito, discípuli

in Galilæa própere

pergunt vidére fáciem

desiderátam Dómini.


Esto perénne méntibus, etc.

Sit, Christe, tibi glória, etc.


The apostles were sadden by the death of their Lord, whom the savage ungodly had condemned to a most cruel death. With a pleasing word the angel proclaimed to the women: “In Galilee very soon the Lord will be seen”.  As they excitedly made their way to tell the Apostles, seeing him alive, they kissed his feet. Once they knew, the disciples made haste to Galilee, longing to see the face of the Lord.

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