Saturday, October 29, 2016

Saturday: Weeks II & IV

Lauds : 7th -8th Centuries: early hymn appointed for Saturday at Matins with six additional verses.

Diei luce reddita,
laetis gratisque vocibus
Dei canamus gloriam,
Christi fatentes gratiam,

Per quem creator omnium
diem noctemque condidit,
aeterna lege sanciens
ut semper succedant sibi.

Tu vera lux fidelium,
quem lex veterna non tenet,
noctis nec ortu succidens,
aeterno fulgens lumine.

Praesta, Pater ingenite,
totum ducamus iugiter
Christo placentes hunc diem
Sancto repleti Spiritu. Amen

As the light of day is returned, with joyful and grateful voices let us sing of God’s glory, confessing the grace of Christ. Through whom the creator of all made day and night, ordaining by an eternal law that one should succeed the other. True light of the faithful, whom the ancient law could not restrain, nor could the rising of the night, he who glows with eternal light.  Grant, O great Father, that we pass this whole day ever pleasing Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the Office of Readings is said in the daytime: 14th Century (?)

Deus de nullo véniens,
Deus de Deo pródiens,
Deus ab his progrédiens,
in nos veni subvéniens.

Tu nostrum desidérium,
tu sis amor et gáudium;
in te nostra cupíditas
et sit in te iucúnditas.

Pater, cunctórum Dómine,
cum Génito de Vírgine,
intus et in circúitu
nos rege Sancto Spíritu.

Meménto, Sancta Trínitas,
quod tua fecit bónitas,
creándo prius hóminem,
recreándo per sánguinem.

Nam quos creávit Unitas,
redémit Christi cáritas;
patiéndo tunc díligens,
nunc díligat nos éligens.

Tríadi sanctæ gáudium,
pax, virtus et impérium,
decus, omnipoténtia,
laus, honor, reveréntia. Amen.

God from nothing coming forth, God begotten of God, God proceeding from both, come to help us. You are our desire, you are love and joy, may our yearning be for you and our happiness be in you. Father, Lord of all, with the Offspring of the Virgin, by the Holy Spirit govern us inwardly and outwardly. Remember, Holy Trinity, what your goodness has created, first by creating man, then by redeeming him with your blood. For what Unity created, the love of Christ redeemed, once loving us by showing patience, now loving us by choosing us. Joy to the Holy Trinity, peace, strength, and authority, respect, almighty power, praise, honor and reverence. Amen.

Vespers : St. Ambrose

Deus, creátor ómnium
políque rector, véstiens
diem decóro lúmine,
noctem sopóris grátia,

Artus solútos ut quies
reddat labóris úsui
mentésque fessas állevet
luctúsque solvat ánxios,

Grates perácto iam die
et noctis exórtu preces,
voti reos ut ádiuves,
hymnum canéntes sólvimus.

Te cordis ima cóncinant,
te vox canóra cóncrepet,
te díligat castus amor,
te mens adóret sóbria,

Ut cum profúnda cláuserit
diem calígo nóctium,
fides ténebras nésciat
et nox fide relúceat.

Christum rogámus et Patrem,
Christi Patrísque Spíritum;
unum potens per ómnia,
fove precántes, Trínitas. Amen.

O God, Creator of all, Ruler of the sky, vesting the day with beauteous light, night with the grace of rest. That quiet might loosen limbs and restore us for work and relieve weary minds, relax anxious grief. Grateful for the day that has passed and urged by the prayers of night, we sing and offer you a hymn that you would help us keep our vows. May our inmost hears sing to you, tuneful voice resound, chaste desire love you, sober minds adore you. That when the deep darkness of night covers the day, faith may know no darkness and night may sparkle with faith. We ask this of Christ and his Father and the Spirit of Christ and the Father, one power through all things, O Trinity, favor those who pray. Amen.

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