Sunday, October 9, 2016

Sunday Office of Readings: Week II & IV: Salve dies, diérum glória

Adam of St. Victor (died 1146)

Salve dies, diérum glória,
dies felix Christi victória,
dies digna iugi lætítia,
dies prima.

Hail day, the glory of days,
Day happy by the victory of Christ
Day worthy of perpetual joy,
The first day.

Lux divína cæcis irrádiat,
in qua Christus inférnum spóliat,
mortem vincit et reconcíliat
summis ima.

May divine light shine on the blind,
When Christ  spoils hell,
Conquers death, and reconciles
The lowest with the highest.

Sempitérni regis senténtia
sub peccáto conclúsit ómnia;
ut infírmis supérna grátia

The judgement of the eternal King
Closes all things under sin:
That supernatural grace may aid
The weak.

Dei virtus et sapiéntia
temperávit iram cleméntia,
cum iam mundus in præcipítia
totus iret.

The strength and wisdom of God
Tempered anger with mercy,
When the whole world had come
To the edge.

Resurréxit liber ab ínferis
restaurátor humáni géneris,
ovem suam repórtans úmeris
ad supérna.

Free he rose from the dead
The Restorer of the human race.
Carrying his lamb on his shoulders
To heaven.

Angelórum pax fit et hóminum,
plenitúdo succréscit órdinum,
triumphántem laus decet Dóminum,
laus ætérna.

Peace between angels and men is made,
The fullness of the orders grows,
Praise, eternal praise, is fitting to
The triumphant Lord.

Harmoníæ cæléstis pátriæ
vox concórdet matris Ecclésiæ,
«Allelúia» frequéntet hódie
plebs fidélis.

The voice of Mother Church agrees
With the harmony of the heavenly fatherland
The faithful people repeat today

Triumpháto mortis império,
triumpháli fruámur gáudio;
in terra pax, et iubilátio
sit in cælis. Amen.

Since the rule of death has been conquered,
May we enjoy triumphant joy;
May there be peace on earth
And rejoicing in heaven.

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