Saturday, October 8, 2016

St. Teresa, Virgin and Doctor of the Church

Pope Urban VIII 1568- 1644

At Lauds

Regis superni nuntia
domum paternam deseris,
terris, Teresa, barbaris
Christum datura aut sanguine.

Sed te manet suavior
mors, pœna poscit dulcior:
divini amoris cuspide
in vulnus icta concedes.

O caritátis víctima,
tu corda nostra concrema,
tibique gentes creditas
inferni ab igne libera.

Te sponse, Iesu, virginum
Beati adorent ordines,
Et nuptiali cantico
Laudent per omne saeculum.

Herald of the King of heaven,
You forsake your father’s house,
Teresa, to bring pagan lands
Christ or your blood. 

But a kindlier death remains  for you,
A sweeter torment claims you:
Struck by the spear of divine love,
You succumb to the wound. 

O victim of love,
warm our hearts
And deliver from the fire of hell
The people entrusted to you.
You, O Jesus, their Spouse,
May the blessed orders of virgins adore,
And with a nuptial hymn
Praise you through all ages. Amen.
From the Monastic Diurnal 

A HERALD of the heavenly King,
She left her father's house to bring
Her message, Christ, to foreign lands,
Or shed her blood upon their sands.

But kindlier death, Teresa, waits
To claim thee; love that compensates
The longing heart will wound and smite
Thee down, yet all thy love requite.

O sacrifice of love divine,
Set all our hearts on fire, like thine;
And pray that we may be kept free
From flames of hell, who call on thee.

Praise to the Father with the Son
And Paraclete for ever One:
To thee, 0 Holy Trinity, Be
praise for all eternity.
At Vespers

Haec est dies, qua candidae
Instar columbae, caelitum
Ad sacra templa spiritus
Se transtulit Teresiae.

This is the day, when in the form of a white dove the spirit of Teresa was carried into the sacred temples of the heavenly dwellers.

Sponsique voces audiit:
Veni soror de vertice
Carmeli ad Agni nuptias:
Veni ad coronam gloriae.

When she heard the voices: “Come, sister, from the pinnacle of Carmel to the wedding Feast of the Lamb: Come to the crown of glory.

Te sponse, Iesu, virginum 
Beati adorent ordines,
Et nuptiali cantico
Laudent per omne saeculum.

You, O Jesus, their Spouse, may the blessed orders of virgins worship and praise with a nuptial song through all ages. Amen.

 From the Monastic Diurnal

TERESA'S spirit on this day
In beauty took its upward way,
Pure as a white and shining dove,
To heaven's holy house above.

She heard the Bridegroom's joyful cry:
Come, Sister, come from Carmel high
The marriage of the Lamb to share;
Receive thy crown of glory there.

Jesus, Bridegroom of the Blest,
By all the Virgin choirs confest,
To thee for evermore belong
 Their worship and their marriage song. Amen.  


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