Friday, March 31, 2017

S. Isidore of Seville: Holy Week: Palms and the Lord’s Supper

Isidore of Seville: de Ecclesiasticis Officiis (Ancient Christian Writers) trans. Fr. Thomas L Knoebel

The Day of Palms is celebrated because, as the prophet sang, on this day our Lord and savior is reported to have sat on a donkey, heading toward Jerusalem. Then, while going along, a multitude of people with palm branches cried out to him along the way: "Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord-the King of Israeli" [john 12:13]. In the palm branches there was signified the victory that the Lord was about to achieve over death by dying, and that, by the victory of the cross, he was about to triumph over the devil, the prince of death.  By sitting on a donkey, however, the one who came to Jerusalem was revealing the simple hearts of the heathen,  which, by presiding over and ruling, he was leading to the vision of peace.

On this day “the Symbol" is handed over to the elect because of its close proximity to the solemnity of the Lord's Pasch, so that, since they are already hastening to receive the grace of God, they might recognize the faith they are confessing. The common people call this day the "washing of the heads,"because on this day it is the custom to wash the heads of the infants who are about to be anointed, lest perhaps they might come to the anointing soiled by the observance of Lent.

The Lord's Supper is the fifth day of the last [week] 'of Lent, when our Lord and savior, passing from that completed prefiguring of the Pasch to the true Pasch, for the first time handed over to his apostles the mystery of his body and blood. Then, after the heavenly sacraments, the deceitful disciple and traitor accepted the price from the Jews and put the blood of Christ up for sale. On that day also, the savior "got up from the table and began to wash the disciples' feet" [John 13:4-5] in order that the form of humility that he had come to teach would be recommended, just as he subsequently explained. He did this also because it was most fitting that he should teach by doing what he had previously admonished the disciples to observe. (2) For this reason on this day the altars and the walls and floors of the church are washed and the vessels that are consecrated to the Lord are purified. And on this day also the Holy Chrism is prepared, because two days before Passover Mary arranged to perfume the head and feet of the Lord with oil. And thus the Lord "said to his disciples: You knowthat after two days the Passover is coming, and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified" [Matt 26: 1-2] .

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