Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Hymn of Saint Secundinus in honor of St. Patrick

The earliest known example of Irish Latin verse. It is alphabetic according to stanza. Secundinus or Sechnall is said to be Patrick’s nephew but this is contested. But in any case he seems to have known Patrick personally.

Audite, omnes amantes Deum, sancta merita
Viri in Christo beati Patricii Episcopi:
Quomodo bonum ob actum simulatur angelis,
Perfectamque propter vitam aequatur Apostolis.

Beata Christi custodit mandata in omnibus;
Cuius opera refulgent clara inter homines,
Sanctumque cuius sequuntur exemplum mirificum;
Unde et in celis Patrem magnificant Dominum.

Constans in Dei timore et fide immobilis,
Super quem edificatur ut Petrus Ecclesia;
Cuiusque Apostolatum a Deo sortitus est;
In cuius porta adversus inferni non prevalent.

Dominus ilium elegit, ut doceret barbaras
Nationes; ut piscaret per doctrinae retia;
Ut de seculo credentes traheret ad gratiam,
Dominumque sequerentur sedem ad aetheriam.

Electa Christi talenta vendit evangelica,
Quae Hibernas inter gentes cum usuris exigit;
Navigii huius laboris, tum operae, pretium,
Cum Christo regni celestis possessurus gaudium.

Fidelis Dei minister, insignisque nuntius,
Apostolicum exemplum formamque praebet bonis;
Qui tam verbis quam et factis plebi praedicat Dei,
Ut quem dictis non convertit, actu provocet bono.

Gloriam habet cum Christo, honorem in seculo;
Qui ab omnibus ut Dei veneratur angelus;
Quem Deus misit ut Paulum ad gentes Apostolum,
Ut hominibus ducatum praeberet regno Dei.

Humilis Dei ob metum spiritu et corpore,
Super quem bonum ob actum requiescit Dominus;
Cuiusque iusta in carne Christi portat stigmata;
In Cuius sola sustentans gloriatur in cruce.

Impiger credentes pascit dapibus celestibus,
Ne qui videntur cum Christo in via deficiant;
Quibus erogat, ut panes, verba evangelica;
In cuius multiplicantur, ut manna, in munibus:

Kastam qui custodit carnem ob amorem Domini,
Quam carnem templum paravit Sanctoque Spiritui:
A Quo constanter cum mundis possidetur actibus,
Quam ut hostiam placentem vivam offert Domino:

Lumenque mundi accensum ingens evangelicum,
In candelabro levatum, toti fulgens seculo,
Civitas regis munita supra montem posita,
Copia in qua est multa quam Dominus possidet.

Maximus nanque in regno celorum vocabitur.
Qui quod verbis docet sacris, factis adimplet bonis;
Bono precedit exemplo formamque fidelium,
Mundoque in corde habet ad Deum fiduciam.

Nomen Domini audenter annunciat gentibus,
Quibus lavacri salutis aeternam dat gratiam;
Pro quorum orat delictis ad Deum quotidie;
Pro quibus ut Deo dignas immolatque hostias.

Omnem pro Divina lege mundi spernit gloriam,
Qui cuncta ad cuius mensam estimat ciscilia;
Nec ingnienti movetur mundi huius fulmine.
Sed in adversis laetatur, cum pro Christo patitur.

Pastor bonus ac fidelis gregis evangelici;
Quem Deus Dei elegit custodire populum,
Suamque pascere plebem Divinis dogmatibus;
Pro qua ad Christi exemplum suam tradidit animam.

Quem pro meritis Salvator provexit pontificem,
Ut in celesti moneret clericos militia;
Celestem quibus annonam erogat cum vestibus.
Quod in Divinis impletur sacrisque affatibus.

Regis nuntius invitans credentes ad nuptias;
Qui ornatur vestimento nuptiale indutus;
Qui celeste haurit vinum in vasis celestibus,
Propinansque Dei plebem spirituali poculo.

Sacrum invenit tesaurum sacro in volumine.
Salvatorisque in carne Dietatem previdit;
Quem tesaurum emit Sanctis perfectisque meritis;
Israel vocatur huius anima videns Deum.

Testis Domini fidelis in lege catholica,
Cuius verba sunt Divinis condita oraculis;
Ne humane putrent carnes essaeque a vermibus,
Sed celeste salliuntur sapore ad victimam.

Verus cultor et insignis agri evangelici,
Cuius semina videntur Christi evangelia;
Quae Divine serit ore in aures prudentium,
Quorumque corda ac mentes Sancto arat Spiritu.

Xps: ilium sibi legit in terris vicarium,
Qui de gemino captivos liberat servitio;
Plerosque de servitute quos redemit hominum,
Innumeros de Zabuli obsolvet dominio.

Ymnos cum Apocalipsi Psalmosque cantat Dei,
Quosque ad edificandum Dei tractat populum;
Quam legem in Trinitate sacri credit Nominis.
Tribusque Personis Unam docetque Substantiam.

Zona Domini precinctus diebus et noctibus,
Sine intermissione Deum orat Dominum;
Cuius ingentis laboris percepturus premium,
Cum Apostolis regnabit sanctus super Israel.

         A.  Hear, all you who love God, the holy merits of the man in Christ, the blessed bishop Patrick: so good on account of his actions he was like the angels and perfect in his life he was equal to the Apostles. B. He kept the blessed commandments of Christ in all things, he whose works shined brightly among men. They who follow his holy and wondrous example, therefore also magnify the Lord, the Father in heaven. C. Constant in the fear of God and with unshakeable faith, upon which like Peter the Church is built. He received his Apostolic authority from God, against which the gate of hell cannot prevail.  D. The Lord choose him to teach barbaric nations; to fish for men with the nets of doctrine, that he might lead out of the world to grace those who believe and follow the Lord to a heavenly throne. E. He plies his trade with Gospel talents of Christ, which he gave with usury among the Hibernian peoples; directed by his labors, the price of his work, to possess with Christ the joy of the heavenly kingdom. F. A faithful minister of God and distinguished herald, he shows to the good the Apostolic example and pattern; he preaches to the people of God in deeds as well as words, that he might provoke to good those he does not convert by words.  G. He has glory with Christ and honor in the world, he who is venerated by all as an angel of God, he whom God sent like Paul as an Apostle to the nations, that he might show men the wat to the kingdom of heaven. H. Humble for fear of God, in spirit and body, upon him the Lord rest on account of his deeds; he carries in his righteous flesh the stigmata of Christ, in whose cross alone he is sustained and glories. I. He eagerly feeds believers with heavenly food, lest those who are seen with Christ should faint on the way; to them he distributes the Gospel words like bread, in their hands multiplied like manna. K. For the love of the Lord he kept his flesh chaste, which flesh he made a temple of the Holy Spirit: by whom he constantly possessed pure deeds, which he offered up to the Lord as a living and pleasing sacrifice. L. A great and burning evangelical light of the world, raised upon a candlestick shining upon the whole world, a fortified city set upon a mountain, in which is stored the great abundance which the Lord possesses. M. He is called the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, who fulfills in good deeds what he teaches in holy words; He goes forth with an example and pattern for the faithful, with a pure heart he has faith in God. N.  He boldly announces the name of the Lord to the nations, to whom the grace of eternal salvation by the baptismal washing,  for whose sins he prays daily, for whom he offers up worthy sacrifices.  O. He spurns the glory of the world in favor of the divine law, he judges all things chaff in contrast to the altar; nor is he moved by the thunder of this world, but rejoices in adversities to suffer  for Christ. P. A good and faithful shepherd of the flock, the people of God whom God chose him to guard, to feed the people with his own divine teaching, for which after the example of Christ he gave up his soul. Q.  Whom for his merits the Savior made a bishop that admonish the clergy in heavenly warfare; to whom he gives subsistence with investiture, which is filled with divine and holy utterances. R. Herald of the King inviting believers to the marriage feast, who are adorned with the wedding garment; he who draws heavenly wine from heavenly vases, pledging the people of God to spiritual drink. S.  He finds sacred treasure in the holy book, seeing  the divinity of the Savior in the flesh;  which he purchases with his holy and perfect merits, seeing God his soul is called Israel. T. A faithful witness according to the Catholic rule, whose words are founded on divine oracles; so that they are no corrupted like human flesh, nor eaten by worms, but salted with heavenly savor for sacrifice. V. A true and great cultivator in the field of the Gospel, whose seeds are seen to be the Gospels of Christ; which he plants from his mouth  in the ears of the wise, whose hearts and minds he tills with the Holy Spirit. X. Christ chose him to be his vicar on earth, who delivers captives from a twin servitude; many he redeems from the servitude of men, innumerable ones he sets free from the dominion of the devil.  Y. He sings hymns along with the Apocalypse and psalms of God, which he explains for the edification of God’s people; whose law he believes in naming the holy Trinity and teaches the one substance in three persons.  Z. Girted with the belt of the Lord day and night, he prays without ceasing to God the Lord; seeing the reward of such labor, with the Apostles the saint will rule over Israel.

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