Saturday, October 5, 2019

Our Lady of the Rosary

Lauds: Eustace Sirena, OP (died 1769) 

Te gestiéntem gáudiis,
te sáuciam dolóribus,
te iugi amíctam glória,
o Virgo Mater, pángimus.

Ave, redúndans gáudio
dum cóncipis, dum vísitas,
et edis, offers, ínvenis,
mater Beáta, Fílium.

Ave, dolens et íntimo
in corde agónem, vérbera,
spinas crucémque Fílii
perpéssa, princeps mártyrum.

Ave, in triúmphis Fílii,
in ígnibus Parácliti,
in regni honóre et lúmine
regína fulgens glória.

Veníte, gentes, cárpite
ex his rosas mystériis
et pulchri amóris ínclitæ
matri corónas néctite.

Iesu, tibi sit glória,
qui natus es de Vírgine,
cum Patre et almo Spíritu,
in sempitérna sǽcula. Amen.

O Virgin Mother, we sing of you, filled with praises, wounded with sorrows, robed with eternal glory. Hail! O blessed Mother, filled with joy, when you conceived your Son, when you visited, when giving birth, offering, finding Him. Hail! Queen of Martyrs, sorrowful and suffering deep within the heart, the scourging, the thorns, and the cross of your Son enduring. Hail! Queen shining in glory, in the triumphs of your Son, in the fires of the Paraclete, in the honor and light of the kingdom. Come, O nations, gather roses from these mysteries and weave garlands for the great Mother of fair love.

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