Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The One and the Many

Often the plural form of the memorials of the saints works as well as the singluar. 

The Office of Readings: Common of one virgin

Dulci deprómat cármine
devóta plebs sollémnia,
dum in cælórum cúlmine
hæc virgo micat glória.

Virgo, quæ Christi láudibus
vacávit iam viríliter,
sanctórum nunc agmínibus
coniúngitur felíciter.

Vicit per pudicítiam
infírmæ carnis vítium;
sprevit mundi blandítiam
Christi sequens vestígium.

Per hanc nos, Christe, dírige
servans a cunctis hóstibus;
culpárum lapsus córrige
nos ímbuens virtútibus.

Iesu, tibi sit glória,
qui natus es de Vírgine,
cum Patre et almo Spíritu,
in sempitérna sæcula. Amen.

The devout people celebrate this solemnity with a sweet hymn, while in the heights of heaven this virgin shines in glory. The virgin, who once was free bravely to sing the praises of Christ, now is happily joined to the company of the saints. She conquered through purity the faults of weak flesh, she spurned the flattery of the world, following in the steps of Christ.  Through her, O Christ, direct us, saving us from all enemies, correct our lapses into sin, filling us with the virtues. Jesus, to you be glory, born of a Virgin, with the Father and loving Spirit, through eternal ages. Amen.

The Office of Readings: Common of many virgins

Gaudentes festum colimus
sanctarum Christi virginum,
quæ puro corde Dominum
secutæ sunt in laudibus.

O castitatis lilium,
rex virginum sanctissime,
tu, custos pudicitiæ,
fraudes repelle dæmonum.

Qui castis in visceribus
placaris clementissime,
nostros reatus dilue,
dimittens quæ peccavimus.

Grates precantes agimus;
erramus, viam dirige;
tu pater indulgentiæ,
nobis succurre, quæsumus.

Iesu, tibi sit gloria,
qui natus es de Virgine,
cum Patre et almo Spiritu,
in sempiterna sæcula. Amen.

Rejoicing we celebrate the feast of the holy virgins of Christ, of who pure in heart followed the Lord with praises. O Lily of chastity, most holy King of virgins, you who are the guardian of purity, repel the fraud of the demons. Chaste within, most merciful, be pleased to blot out our guilt, forgiving what sins we have committed.  Praying we give you thanks, we have strayed, direct us on the way; you, O Father of mercy, we beseech you, hasten to help us.  Jesus to you . . .  

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