Wednesday, October 16, 2019

St. Ignatius of Antioch and St. Luke the Evangelist

All these collects have something which commends them but I am always impressed with the older prayers, which say so much using few words. A good example of this carried over into the NO is the collect for St. Callistus this last Monday: Preces populi tui, quaesumus, Domine, clemnenter exaudi, Ut beati Callisti, papae, meritis adiuvemur, cuius passione laetamur (see the collect for Septuagesima).


Infirmitatem nostram respice, omnipotens Deus; et, quia pondus propriae actionis gravat, beati Ignatii Martyris tui atquePontificis intercessio gloriosa nos protegat.

Have regard to our weakness, O almighty God, and since the burden of our deeds is grievous to us, grant that the glorious intercession of blessed Ignatius Thy martyr and bishop may protect us.


Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui sanctorum martyrum confessionibus Ecclesiae tuae sacrum corpus exornas, concede, quaesumus, ut hodierna gloria passionis, sicut beato Ignatio magnificentiam tribuit sempiternam, ita nobis perpetuum munimen operetur.

Almighty ever-living God,
who adorn the sacred body of your Church
with the confessions of holy Martyrs,
grant, we pray,
that, just as the glorious passion of Saint Ignatius of Antioch,
which we celebrate today,
brought him eternal splendor,
so it may be for us unending protection.


Interveniat pro nobis, quaesumus, Domine, sanctus tuus Lucas Evangelista: qui crucis mortificationem iugiter in suo corpore, pro tui nominis honore, portavit.

We beseech Thee, O Lord, grant us to be aided by the prayers of Saint Luke thine Evangelist; who for the glory of Thy name ever bore in his body the mortification of the cross.


Domine Deus, qui beatum Lucam elegisti, ut praedicatione et scriptis mysterium tuae in pauperes dilectionis revelaret, concede, ut, qui tuo iam nomine gloriantur, cor unum et anima una esse perseverent, et omnes gentes tuam mereantur videre salutem.

Lord God, who chose Saint Luke
to reveal by his preaching and writings
the mystery of your love for the poor,
grant that those who already glory in your name
may persevere as one heart and one soul
and that all nations may merit to see your salvation.

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