Sunday, October 6, 2019

St. Bernard: De laudibus Virginis Matris Hom. 2: (Translation Marie-Bernard Said, Homilies in Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary) Monastic Breviary: Mense Octobri: Sabbatis 4 et 5

What was it you said, Adam? 'The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me the fruit of the tree, and I ate.' What evil words! Far from excusing you, they condemn you. However, Wisdom prevails against evil. The occasion for pardon which God endeavored to draw from you by his cross-examination, but could not, he found in the treasure of his never -failing kindness.  Yes, he gave woman for woman: a wise one for a foolish one; a humble one for an arrogant one. Instead of the tree of death, she offers you a taste of life; in place of the poisonous fruit of bitterness she holds out to you the sweetness of eternity's fruit. Change your words of evil excuse into a song of thanksgiving then and say, 'Lord, the woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me the fruit of the tree of life, and I ate; and it was sweeter than honey to my mouth, for by it have you given me life'. Behold, for this was the angel sent to a virgin. O Virgin maid, admirable and worthy of all our honor. O uniquely venerable woman! O fairest among all women!  You have repaired your parents' weakness, and restored life to all their offspring.

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