Wednesday, October 2, 2019


The unknown author of this hymn uses the common device in medieval hymns of  ascribing to the saint the virtues of every type of saint, apostles, martyrs, confessors, virgins.

In cælésti collégio
Francíscus fulget glória,
insígni privilégio
Christi portans insígnia.

Hic cœtus apostólici
est factus consors páuperis,
crucem in se domínici
signum repórtans fœderis.

Hic martyr desidério
crucem post Iesum báiulat,
quem mártyrum consórtio
Christus in cælis cópulat.

Crucem per abstinéntiam
Francíscus ferens iúgiter,
iam confessórum glóriam
adéptus est felíciter.

Candens decóre níveo,
passum hic sequens Dóminum,
nunc castitátis præmio
gaudet in choro vírginum.

Pater, Natus cum Flámine
nos per Francísci vúlnera
lustrent divíno lúmine,
ætérna dantes múnera. Amen.

In the heavenly company, Francis shines in glory, by special privilege, carrying the marks of Christ. One of the apostolic band, he was made consort of the poor, proclaiming in himself the Lord’s cross, the sign of the  covenant.  Martyr by desire, he carries the cross after Jesus, Christ unites him with the martyr’s host in heaven.  Francis, ever bearing the cross through abstinence, now happily gains the glory of the confessors.  Bright as snow, following his suffering Lord, now by chastity’s reward he rejoices in the choir of virgins. Father, Son, with flaming Spirit, through the wounds of Francis, grant us eternal rewards and shine upon us the divine light. Amen.

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