Friday, October 18, 2019

The hymns for the Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist

Those who are not consistently impressed with Dom Anselmo's hymns could on the Feast of St. Luke, (and on other feasts of Apostles and Evangelists) use the older hymns:

For the Office of Readings,

Æterna Christi munera,
Apostolorum gloriam,
Laudes canentes debitas
Lætis canamus mentibus.

Ecclesiarum principes,
Belli triumphales duces;
Cælestis aulæ milites,
Et vera mundi lumina.

Devota sanctorum fides,
Invicta spes credentium,
Perfecta Christi caritas,
Mundi triumphat principem.

In his paterna gloria,
In his voluntas Spiritus,
Exultat in his Filius,
Cælum repletur gaudio.

Te nunc Redemptor quæsumus,
Ut ipsorum consortio
Iungas precantes servulos
In sempiterna sæcula. Amen.
(a hymn strangely missing from the LH)
The Lord’s eternal gifts,
Th’ Apostles’ mighty praise,
Their victories, and high reward,
Sing we in joyful lays.
Lords of the Churches they;
Triumphant Chiefs of war;
Brave Soldiers of the Heavenly Court;
True lights for evermore.
Theirs was the Saints’ high Faith;
And quenchless Hope’s pure glow;
And perfect Charity, which laid
The world’s fell tyrant low.
In them the Father shone;
In them the Son o’ercame;
In them the Holy Spirit wrought,
And fill’d their hearts with flame.
To God, the Father, Son,
And Spirit, glory be;
As was, and is, and shall be so,
Through all eternity.
For Lauds & Vespers Exultet caelum laudibus as in the LH for Common of Apostles at Vespers.
The authority of the hymns in the LH is unclear, but for those not bound by obligation to say the office there is no problem with substituting alternative hymns.

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