Sunday, March 10, 2019

Lent: Week I: Collects

Convérte nos, Deus, salutáris noster, et, ut nobis opus quadragesimále profíciat, mentes nostras cæléstibus ínstrue disciplínis.

Convert us, O God, our Savior, and that we may profit from our Lenten works, instruct our minds in heavenly disciplines.

Réspice, Dómine, famíliam tuam, et præsta, ut apud te mens nostra tuo desidério fúlgeat, quæ se corporálium moderatióne castígat

Behold your family, O Lord, and grant that our mind, which corrects itself by bodily moderation, may shine forth with desire before you.

Devotiónem pópuli tui, quæsumus, Dómine, benígnus inténde, ut, qui per abstinéntiam temperántur in córpore, per fructum boni óperis reficiántur in mente

Kindly heed, we beseech you, O Lord, the devotion of your people, that they, who restrain their bodies through abstinence, might through the fruit of good works be refreshed in mind.

Largíre nobis, quæsumus, Dómine, semper spíritum cogitándi quæ recta sunt, prómptius et agéndi, ut, qui sine te esse non póssumus, secúndum te vívere valeámus

Ever increase is us, we beseech you, O Lord, the spirit of meditation upon the things which are right and of more readily doing them, that we, who cannot exist without you, might be able to live in accordance with you.

Da, quæsumus, Dómine, fidélibus tuis observatióni pascháli conveniénter aptári, ut suscépta sollémniter castigátio corporális cunctis ad fructum profíciat animárum

Grant, we beseech you, O Lord, to your faithful, to be rightly prepared for the paschal observance, that the chastisement of the body, solemnly undertaken by all, might bear fruit in their souls

Ad te corda nostra, Pater ætérne, convérte, ut nos, unum necessárium semper quæréntes et ópera caritátis exercéntes, tuo cúltui præstes esse dicátos.

Turn back our hearts to you, O Father, that we, always seeking out the one thing necessary and exercising works of love, may be dedicated to your worship.

Deus, qui nobis diléctum Fílium tuum audíre præcepísti, verbo tuo intérius nos páscere dignéris, ut, spiritáli purificáto intúitu, glóriæ tuæ lætémur aspéctu.

O God, who has commanded us to listen to your beloved Son, vouchsafe to nourish us inwardly with your word, that by the purification of spiritual discernment, we may rejoice in the vision of your glory.

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