Sunday, March 24, 2019

Preces: Annunciation


Qui exórdium hódie salútis nostræ in Annuntiatióne Dómini celebrámus, cum iúbilo deprecémur: Pro nobis intercédat sancta Dei Génetrix.
Sicut María Virgo núntium ab Angelo iucúndum accépit,
—da nos ita, Deus, Salvatórem nostrum gratánter suscípere.
Sicut respexísti humilitátem ancíllæ tuæ,
—nostri et ómnium, Pater miséricors, recordáre et miserére.
Sicut nova Eva obœdívit Verbo tuo divíno,
—sic nobis fiat secúndum voluntátem tuam.
Sancta María succúrrat míseris, iuvet pusillánimes, refóveat flébiles,
—oret pro pópulo, intervéniat pro clero, intercédat pro devóto femíneo sexu.

Today we celebrate the beginning of our salvation in the Annunciation of the Lord, with great joy let us pray: May the holy Mother of God intercede for us.
As the Virgin Mary received glad tidings from the Angel, grant that we also gratefully receive our Savior.
As you looked upon the lowliness of your handmaid, merciful Father remember and have mercy on us and upon all.
As the new Eve obeyed your divine Word, may it be unto us according to your will.
May holy Mary hasten to help the miserable, aid the distressed, cherish the weeping, may she pray for the people, intervene on behalf of the clergy, intercede for the consecrated women.


Ætérnum Patrem, qui hódie salútem nostram Maríæ per suum Angelum nuntiávit, fidéntibus ánimis exorémus: Grátiam tuam largíre nobis, Dómine.
Qui Maríam Vírginem elegísti, ut fíeret mater Fílii tui,
—miserére ómnium qui redemptiónem suam exspéctant.
Qui Gabriélis ore pacem Maríæ et gáudium nuntiásti,
—univérso mundo salútis gáudium verámque pacem largíre.
Qui, ancílla tua annuénte et Spíritu Sancto operánte, Verbum tuum in nobis habitáre fecísti,
—corda nostra ad Christum suscipiéndum ita dispóne, ut María Virgo eum suscépit.
Qui réspicis húmiles et esuriéntes bonis adímples,
—depréssos súbleva, egénis súbveni, ádiuva moriéntes.
Deus, cui nihil est impossíbile et qui mirabília solus facis,
—salva nos, cum mórtuos in die novíssimo suscitábis.

Let us pray with faithful souls to the Eternal Father, who today announced through an Angel our salvation to Mary: Grant us, O Lord, your grace.
You who chose the Virgin Mary to be the mother of your Son, have mercy on all who await their redemption.
You who by the mouth of Gabriel announced joy and peace to Mary, grant to the whole world the joy of salvation and true peace.
You who by the consent of the handmaid and the operation of the Holy Spirit, made your Word to dwell among us, raise up the depressed, help the needy, aid the dying.
O God, with whom nothing is impossible and who alone does wondrous things, save us with the departed you will raise on the last day.

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