Thursday, March 21, 2019

Preces: Lent III: Sunday

Preces: Lent III: Sunday

Christum Dóminum glorificémus, qui magíster, exémplar et frater factus est noster. Ei supplicémus, dicéntes: Pópulum tuum vivífica, Dómine.
Christe, qui per ómnia nobis assimilátus es absque peccáto, da ut sciámus cum gaudéntibus gaudére et cum fléntibus flere,
—ut cáritas nostra magis in dies abúndet.
Concéde nobis tibi esuriénti ministráre in esuriéntibus,
—et tibi sitiénti in sitiéntibus.
Qui Lázarum a somno mortis excitásti,
—fac ut, qui ex peccáto mórtui sunt, per fidem et pæniténtiam rédeant ad vitam.
Fac ut multi vestígia tua impénsius atque perféctius sequántur,
—exémplo beátæ Maríæ Vírginis atque sanctórum.
Præsta, ut in glória tua defúncti resúrgant,
—ac tuo in ætérnum fruántur amóre.

Let us glorify Christ the Lord, who was made our teacher, example, and brother. Let us entreat him, saying: Give life to your people, O Lord.
O Christ, who was made like us in all things except sin, grant that we may know to rejoice with those who rejoice and to weep with those who weep, that our charity may abound more each day.
Grant that we may minister to you hungering in those who hunger and to you thirsting in those who thirst.
You, who raised up Lazarus from the sleep of death, Grant that those who are dead from sin, through faith and penance may be returned to life.
Cause us to follow in your footsteps more intensely and more perfectly by the example of the blessed Virgin Mary and the saints.
Grant that the departed may rise in your glory and enjoy your love for ever.

Redemptórem nostrum, qui hoc tempus salútis nobis benígne méruit, benedicámus, eúmque súpplices exorémus: Spíritum novum crea in nobis, Dómine.
Christe, vita nostra, qui per baptísmum nos mýstice tecum sepelíri donásti ac per eúndem tecum resuscitári voluísti,
—tríbue nos hódie in novitáte vitæ ambuláre.
Dómine, qui ómnibus benefecísti,
—fac nos étiam de commúni ómnium bono esse sollícitos.
Tríbue nobis ad terrénam civitátem ædificándam concórditer operári,
—et simul cæléstem inquírere.
Médice córporum et animárum, sana nostri vúlnera cordis,
—ut contínua capiámus subsídia sanctitátis.

Our Redeemer, who kindly won for us this season of salvation, may we bless and humbly  entreat him: Create a new spirit within us.
O Christ, our life, who through baptism caused us mystically to be buried with you and through the same willed that we be raised with you, grant that today we may walk in newness of life.
O Lord, who blessed all, make us also solicitous for the common good.
Grant us harmoniously to work for the building of the earthly city and likewise to seek heaven.
O Physician of bodies and souls, heal the wounds of our heart, that we may continually seize the aid that leads to holiness.   

Laus Deo Patri, qui pópulum electiónis e sémine incorruptíbili renásci vóluit per Verbum suum, quod manet in ætérnum. Ei pie supplicémus: Propítius esto, Dómine, pópulo tuo.
Audi, miséricors Deus, supplicatiónes, quas pro cuncto pópulo tuo deférimus,
—ut desíderet se tuo pótius verbo quam cibo satiáre corpóreo.
Doce nos gentem nostram et cunctos hómines sine discrímine vere et efficáciter amáre,
—eósque in pace et bono semper ædificáre.
Réspice omnes per baptísmum regenerándos,
—ut domum spiritálem, tamquam lápides vivi, tibi constítuant.
Qui, per Ionam prædicántem, Ninivítas ad pæniténtiam excitásti,
—verbo tuo peccatórum corda convérte propítius.
Tríbue moriéntibus in spe Christo iúdici occúrrere,
—tuíque aspéctu in ætérnum gaudére.

Praise to God the Father, who willed through his Word, that his chosen people should be born anew from an incorruptible seed, which abides forever. Let us humbly beseech him: Be gracious to your people, O Lord.
Hear, merciful God, the supplications, which we offer for all your people, that they should desire more to be fed by your word than by bodily food.
Teach us to love our nation and all men, truly without discrimination and actively, and ever to build them up in peace and the good.
Watch over all those who are to be reborn in baptism, that for you they may be made a spiritual house of living stones.
You, who through the preaching of Jonah roused up the Ninevites to penitence, graciously convert the hearts of sinners by your word.
Grant to those who are dying in hope to meet Christ the Judge, and to rejoice forever in your presence.

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