Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Vespers: PRECES: Lent I: Wednesday

Deum omnipoténtem et providéntem exaltémus. Ipse scit ômnia, quibus indiget pôpulus suus, sed vult nos primum de regno suo sollicitos. Ideo acclamémus:
Advéniat regnum tuum et iustitia eius.
Pater sancte, qui Christum ut pastôrem animârum nostrârum dedisti, adésto pastôribus et pôpulis eôrum diligéntiae créditis, ne gregi desit cura pastôris, * neque pastôribus obœdiéntia gregis.
Induc christiânos, ut fratérna pietâte infirmis auxiliéntur, * et ipsi Filio tuo in iis subvéniant.
Fac ut nondum Evangélio credéntes Ecclésiam tuam ingrediântur, * eâmque bonis opéribus semper œdificent in caritâte.
Da nobis peccatôribus véniam a te impetrare, * et simul reconciliâri cum Ecclésia tua.
Prœsta, ut defüncti ad vitam trânseant œtérnam, * et semper tecum commoréntur.

Let us praise the omnipotent and providential God. He knows all which  his people need, but He desires that we first seek his Kingdom. Wherefore, let us cry out:
May your Kingdom and its righteousness come.
Holy Father, who has given Christ, the Shepherd of our souls, to be present with our shepherds and the people entrusted to their care, that the shepherd's care of the flock not fail, * nor the flock's obedience to the shepherds.
Lead Christians to help the sick in fraternal love, * and to come to the help of your Son in the sick.
Grant that those who do not yet believe the Gospel may enter your Church, * and always build her up in charity by good works.
Grant to us sinners to obtain pardon from you, * and to be reconciled with your Church.
Grant that the departed may pass over to eternal life, * and abide  with you always.

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