Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Preces: Lent II: Thursday

Thursday: Lauds

Pietátem Dei celebrémus, qui in Christo sese revelávit. Ex corde ei supplicémus: Meménto nostri, Dómine, quia fílii tui sumus.
Da nos mystérium Ecclésiæ áltius percípere,
—ut éadem sit nobis et ómnibus efficácius salútis sacraméntum.
Fac nos, hóminis amátor, humánæ civitátis increménta fovére,
—atque in ómnibus regnum tuum inténdere.
Præsta nobis, ut ad Christum sitiéntes currámus,
—qui fontem aquæ vivæ nobis se præbuit.
Dimítte nobis iniquitátes nostras,
—et gressus nostros dírige in viam iustítiæ et sinceritátis.

Let us celebrate the loving kindness of God, who has revealed himself in Christ. From our hearts, let us entreat Him: Be mindful of us, O Lord, for we are Your sons.
Grant us to perceive more profoundly the mystery of the Church, * that she may be for us and for all a more powerful sacrament of salvation.
Make us, O lover of mankind, to cherish the building up of the city of man, * and to see your Kingdom in all things.
Grant that we thirsting, may run toward Christ, * Who has revealed himself to us as the font of living water.
Forgive us our iniquities, * and guide our steps in the way of justice and sincerity.


Dei misericórdiam celebrémus, qui nos illúminat grátia Spíritus Sancti, ut opéribus iustítiæ ac fídei luceámus. Orémus, dicéntes: Vivífica, Dómine, pópulum a Christo redémptum.
Dómine, fons et auctor omnis sanctitátis, epíscopos, presbýteros et diáconos árctius per mystérium eucharísticum Christo coniúnge,
—ut grátiam, per impositiónem mánuum accéptam, magis in dies resúscitent.
Doce fidéles tuos digne et actuóse mensam verbi et córporis Christi frequentáre,
—ut, quod fide et sacraménto percepérunt, vita et móribus téneant.
Dignitátem cuiúsque hóminis, Fílii tui sánguine redémpti, te donánte, agnoscámus,
—ut libertátem et consciéntiam fratrum nostrórum observémus.
Da, ut hómines immódicam terréstrium bonórum cupídinem moderéntur,
—et aliórum inópiæ cónsulant.
Miserére ómnium, quos de hac vita ad te hódie vocásti,
—eísque donum beatitúdinis ætérnæ concéde.

Let us celebrate the mercy of God, who enlightens us by the grace of the Holy Spirit, that we may shine forth in works of justice and faith. Let us pray, saying: Enliven, O Lord, the people redeemed by Christ.
O Lord, source and author of all holiness, through the eucharistic mystery join bishops, priests, and deacons more closely to Christ * that they may rekindle more, day by day, the grace they received through the laying on of hands.
Teach your faithful to approach more worthily and devotedly the table of the word and of body of Christ, * that, what they have received in faith and sacrament, they may preserve in life and habits.
With your help, grant that we may recognize the dignity of every man, redeemed by the blood of your Son, * that we may respect the liberty and conscience of our brethren.
Grant that men might temper their immoderate desire for earthly goods, * and consider the needs of others.
Have mercy on all the faithful, whom you have called today to yourself from this life, * and grant them the gift of eternal blessing.

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