Thursday, March 14, 2019

Preces: Lent:Week1:Thursday: Vespers

 A Christo Dómino, qui nobis dedit mandátum novum mútuæ dilectiónis, flagitémus: Caritátem plebis tuæ, Dómine, adáuge.
Magíster bone, doce nos in frátribus temetípsum dilígere,
—atque in iis benefácere tibi.
Qui in cruce pro carnifícibus tuis véniam a Patre impetrásti,
—da nobis inimícos dilígere et pro persequéntibus nos oráre.
Per mystérium córporis et sánguinis tui, amórem, virtútem et fidúciam nostram adáuge;
—débiles corróbora, mæstos consoláre, spem agonizántibus infúnde.
Lux mundi, qui cæco nato post ablutiónem lumen vidére tribuísti,
—catechúmenos per lavácrum aquæ et verbo vitæ illúmina.
Defúnctos sátia dilectióne tua ætérna,
—nosque inter eléctos tuos connúmera.

Let us ask of Christ the Lord, who gave us a new commandment of mutual love:
Increase, O Lord, the love of your people.
Good teacher, teach us to love you in the brethren and to bless you in them.
You, who upon the cross sought pardon for those executed you, grant that we may 
love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.
Through the mystery of your body and blood, increase our love, courage and faith, strengthen the weak, console the sorrowful, our out hope upon the afflicted.
Light of the world, who after the cleansing, gave to the blind man light to see, enlighten the catechumens through the washing of water and by the word of life.
Fill the departed with thine eternal love and number us among the elect.

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