Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Lenten Collects

See Lauren Pristas, The Collects of the Roman Missals

Ash Wednesday

Præsta, Dómine, fidélibus tuis: ut jejuniórum veneránda solémnia, et cóngrua pietáte suscípiant, et secúra devotióne percúrrant.

Grant, O Lord, to your faithful, that they may both undertake the venerable solemnities of fasting in accordance with our duty and persevere with sure devotion.

Concéde nobis, Dómine, præsídia milítiæ christiánæ sanctis inchoáre ieiúniis, ut, contra spiritáles nequítias pugnatúri, continéntiæ muniámur auxíliis.

Grant to us, O Lord, to begin the defenses of Christian warfare with holy fasts, that we may be protected by the help of continence against spiritual wickedness we are going to be fighting.

Both collects taken from Gelasianum Vetus: 1962 ember Wed in September; 1970 Ember Wed in June, but from 11th Century used in blessing or imposition of ashes. In Tridentine missals the 1970 collect is the final prayer is the ceremony of the ashes.

Thursday after Ash Wednesday

DEUS, qui culpa offénderis, pœniténtia placaris, preces pópuli tui supplicántis propitius réspice; et flagélla tuæ iracúndiæ, quæ pro peccatis nostris merémur, avérte.

O God, Who by sin art offended and by penance appeased, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy suppliant people: and turn aside the scourges of Thine anger, which we deserve for our sins.

Actiónes nostras, quæsumus, Dómine, aspirándo præveni et adiuvándo proséquere, ut cuncta nostra operátio a te semper incípiat, et per te cœpta finiátur.

Direct our actions,  we beseech you, O Lord,  by your inspiration and  aid them by your assistance, that all our works may always begin with you and through you be ended.

Friday after Ash Wednesday

INCHOÁTA jejúnia, quæsumus, Dómine, benígno favore prosequere: ut observántiam, quam corporáliter exhibémus, méntibus etiam sincéris exercére valeámus.

May Your kindly favor, we beseech You, O Lord, accompany the fast we have begun, that we may be able to practice with a pure mind what we perform bodily.

Inchoáta pæniténtiæ ópera, quæsumus, Dómine, benígno favóre proséquere, ut observántiam, quam corporáliter exercémus, méntibus étiam valeámus implére sincéris.

With your  kind favor, we beseech you, O Lord,  accompany the works of penance we have begun that the observance we practice with our bodies may also be able to fulfill with sincere minds.

Saturday after Ash Wednesday

ADÉSTO, Dómine, supplicatiónibus nostris: et concéde; ut hoc sollémne jejúnium, quod animábus corporibúsque curándis salúbriter institútum est, devóto servítio celebrémus

Hear, O Lord, our humble prayers, and grant that we may devoutly keep this fast that has been established to cure our souls and bodies

Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, infirmitátem nostram propítius réspice, atque ad protegéndum nos déxteram tuæ maiestátis exténde

Almighty, eternal God, graciously look down upon our weakness and extend the right hand of your majesty to protect us.

Lent I

DEUS, qui Ecclésiam tuam ánnua quadragesimáli observatióne puríficas: præsta famíliæ tuæ: ut, quod a te obtinére abstinéndo nítitur, hoc bonis opéribus exsequátur

O GOD, who dost purify Thy Church by the yearly observance of forty days; grant to Thy household that what we strive to obtain from Thee by self- denial, we may secure by good works

Concéde nobis, omnípotens Deus, ut, per ánnua quadragesimális exercítia sacraménti, et ad intellegéndum Christi proficiámus arcánum, et efféctus eius digna conversatióne sectémur.

Grant to us, Almighty God, that through the annual exercises of the Lenten sacrament, we may advance in our understanding of the mystery of Christ and more effectively attain a worthy way of life.

The 1962 collect was used from the eighth century through the Tridentine Missal but is not included in the post Vatican II Missal or breviary. The 1970 prayer is from the Gelasianum Vetus 104.

Lauren Pristas’ commentary is quite good.

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