Sunday, March 31, 2019

Preces: Lent IV: Monday and Tuesday

Monday: Lauds
Benedicámus Deo Patri, qui nobis largítur ut hoc quadragesimáli die sacrifícium laudis ei offerámus. Eum deprecémur, invocántes: Cæléstibus, Dómine, nos ínstrue disciplínis.
Omnípotens et miséricors Deus, concéde nobis spíritum oratiónis et pæniténtiæ,
—ut caritáte tui et hóminum ardeámus.
Da nos tibi cooperári, ut ómnia instauréntur in Christo,
—atque iustítia et pax in terris abúndent.
Intimam totíus creatúræ natúram et prétium áperi nobis,
—ut, te celebrántes, eam in cármine laudis nobis consociémus.
Ignósce nobis, qui Christi tui præséntiam in paupéribus, míseris et moléstis ignorávimus,
—nec vériti sumus Fílium tuum in his frátribus nostris.

Let us bless God the Father, who grants us on this Lenten day to offer to a him a sacrifice of praise.
Invoking him let us pray: Instruct us in heavenly disciplines.
Almighty God, give us a spirit of prayer and repentance, that we may be ardent in love of you and men.
Grant us to cooperate in restoring all things in Christ, and that justice and peace may abound on earth
Reveal to us the inner nature of all creation and its worth, that we, celebrating you, may share with it
In a hymn of praise.
Forgive us, who have not recognized Christ present in the poor, the afflicted, and those in danger, and we who have not turned to your Son in these our brothers.

Magnificétur Deus Pater, qui, ex ore Fílii sui, simul orántibus quodcúmque petiíssent se datúrum promísit. Qua promissióne freti eum implorémus: Propitius esto, Dómine, pópulo tuo.
Dómine, qui legem, in monte Sínai Móysi datam, per Christum tuum perfecísti,
—da ut omnes eam in córdibus inscríptam agnóscant et fœderis instar custódiant.
Sollicitúdinem de frátribus sibi commíssis, præpósitis tríbue,
—et subditórum corda ad illos induc adiuvándos.
Mentem et cor missionariórum tua virtúte corróbora,
—et plúrimos óperis sócios ubíque éxcita illis.
Grátiam tuam in púeris da cum annis aduléscere,
—et in iuvénibus amórem tuum cum probitáte morum profícere.
Meménto ómnium fratrum nostrórum, qui in te obdormiérunt,
—atque ætérnæ vitæ eos redde consórtes.

May God the Father be magnified, who has promised through the mouth of his Son that to those who pray he will grant whatever they seek.  Trusting in this promise we implore him: Be gracious, O Lord, to your people.
O Lord, who perfected in Christ the law given to Moses on Mount Sinai, grant that all may know this law written on their hearts and keep it in accordance with the covenant.
Give to those in authority solicitude for the brothers entrusted to them, and to lead the hearts of those under them to bring aid to them.
Strengthen the minds and hearts of missionaries with your strength and stir up many companions to help everywhere.
Give your grace to children as they grow in years, and that your love might grow in the young along with uprightness of life.
Remember all our brothers who sleep in you, and make them to share in life eternal.

Tuesday Lauds
Grátias Deo Patri, qui Unigénitum suum, Verbum carnem factum, nobis dedit, ut sit noster cibus et vita. Eum deprecémur: Verbum Christi hábitet abundánter in nobis.
Frequentióre verbi tui auditióne nos dúcere tempus hoc quadragesimále concéde,
—ut Christum, Pascha nostrum, in magna sollemnitáte religiósius honorémus.
Spíritus Sanctus tuus nos dóceat,
—ut ad verum et bonum sequéndum dúbios et errántes hortémur.
Præsta nobis, ut Christi tui áltius percipiámus mystérium,
—et vita nostra id clárius exprimámus.
Purífica et rénova Ecclésiam tuam his diébus salútis,
—ut magis ac magis testimónium tibi éadem reddat.

Thanks to God the Father, who gave to us his Only-begotten Son, the Word made flesh, that he might be our food and life. Let us entreat Him: May the Word of Christ dwell in us abundantly.
Grant us that we spend this time of Lent in more frequently hearing your Word, * that, on the great solemnity of Easter, we may honor Christ, our Passover with greater devotion.
May Your Holy Spirit teach us, * to exhort the doubting and erring to follow the true and good.
Grant us to understand more deeply the mystery of your Christ, * and to express it more clearly in our life.
Purify and renew your Church in these days of salvation, that more and more she may give testimony to you.

Dóminum Iesum, qui exaltátus in cruce ómnia ad se traxit, magnificémus et mente pia exorémus: Trahe ad te univérsa, Dómine.
Dómine, lux, quæ e mystério crucis tuæ emánat, áttrahat omnes,
—ut te viam, veritátem et vitam agnóscant.
Da cunctis te sitiéntibus aquam vivam,
—ne sítiant in ætérnum.
Doctrinárum et ártium cultóres illúmina,
—ut hómines regno tuo effíciant aptióres.
Move omnes, qui ob peccáta et scándala a te discessérunt,
—ut rédeant ad te et in dilectióne tua permáneant.
Omnes defúnctos nostros in cæléstes sedes admítte,
—ut cum beáta María Vírgine sanctísque ómnibus collæténtur.

Let us magnify and with a devoted mind ask the Lord Jesus, who, lifted up on the cross, drew all things to himself: Draw all things to yourself, O Lord.
O Lord, may the light, which shines forth from the mystery of your cross, draw all, * that they may know you as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Give yourself to all who thirst for living water, * that they not they thirst forever.
Enlighten those who cultivate knowledge and the arts, * that men may be made more fit for your kingdom.
Arouse all, who because of sins and scandals have abandoned you, * to return to you and to abide in your love.
Admit all our departed into your heavenly dwelling, * that they may rejoice together with the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints.

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