Sunday, November 20, 2016

Common of the Apostles

The Office of Readings: novus

O sempitérnæ cúriæ
regis supremi príncipes,
quos ipse Iesus édocens
donávit orbi Apóstolos,

Supérna vos Ierúsalem,
lucérna cuius Agnus est,
gemmas micántes póssidet,
præclára vos fundámina.

Vos et celébrat grátulans
nunc sponsa Christi Ecclésia,
quam sermo vester éxciit,
quam consecrástis sánguine.

Cadéntibus cum sæculis
iudex Redémptor séderit,
qua laude vos sedébitis,
senátus altæ glóriæ!

Nos ergo vestra iúgiter
prex adiuvándo róboret,
fudístis ut quæ sémina
in grana cæli flóreant.

Ætérna Christo glória,
qui fecit esse núntios
vos Patris, atque Spíritus
replévit almo númine. Amen.

O highest Princes of the supreme King of the eternal court, the Apostles  whom Jesus taught and gave to the world.  The spiritual Jerusalem, whose lamp is the Lamb,  possessed you, sparkling jewels, as her bright foundation.  Now the Church, the bride of Christ, which your word inspires and your blood consecrated, hails and celebrates you. When the world ends and  the Judge, the Redeemer, sits enthroned, in whose praise you will also sit, O assembly of glory. Wherefore now may your prayer ever aid and strengthen us that the seeds which you have planted may flourish in the grain of heaven. Eternal glory to Christ, who made you messengers of the Father and the Spirit who filled you with divine love. Amen.

Vespers: 10th Century?

Exsúltet cælum láudibus,
resúltet terra gáudiis:
Apostolórum glóriam
sacra canunt sollémnia.

Vos, sæcli iusti iúdices
et vera mundi lúmina,
votis precámur córdium,
audíte preces súpplicum.

Qui cælum verbo cláuditis
serásque eius sólvitis,
nos a peccátis ómnibus
sólvite iussu, quæsumus.

Quorum præcépto súbditur
salus et languor ómnium,
sanáte ægros móribus,
nos reddéntes virtútibus,

Ut, cum iudex advénerit
Christus in fine sæculi,
nos sempitérni gáudii
fáciat esse cómpotes.

Deo sint laudes glóriæ,
qui dat nos evangélicis
per vos doctrínis ínstrui
et prósequi cæléstia. Amen.

May heaven exult with praises, earth resound with joy: holy solemnities sing the glory of the Apostles. Who with a word close the doors to heaven and loosen its bars: we beseech you at your command absolve us from all our sins. By your decree ill health and the sickness are subdued: heal the sick and restore us to strength of life. That when Christ the Judge will come at the end of time, he will grant us to share in everlasting  joys. Praises of glory be to God, who granted that through you we be instructed in the teaching of the Gospel and attain heaven. Amen.

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