Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Vesperas I & II: Prudentius

Corde natus ex Paréntis
ante mundi exórdium,
Alpha et Omega vocátus,
ipse fons et cláusula
ómnium quæ sunt, fuérunt
quæque post futúra sunt.
Córporis formam cadúci,
membra morti obnóxia
índuit, ne gens períret
primoplásti ex gérmine,
mérserat quam lex profúndo
noxiális tártaro.

O beátus ortus ille,
Virgo cum puérpera
édidit nostram salútem
feta Sancto Spíritu,
et puer redémptor orbis
os sacrátum prótulit.

Ecce, quem vates vetústis
concinébant sæculis,
quem prophetárum fidéles
páginæ spopónderant,
émicat promíssus olim:
cuncta colláudent eum!

Glóriam Patri melódis
personémus vócibus;
glóriam Christo canámus,
matre nato vírgine,
inclitóque sempitérnam
glóriam Paráclito. Amen.

Born from the heart of the Father before the beginning of the world, called Alpha and Omega, himself the source and the end of all which exist, have existed and which afterwards shall exist. Clothed in the form of the frail body, his members subject to death, that the people not perish from the seed of the first born Adam whom the law of death submerged in deepest hell.  O blessed birth from the childbearing Virgin,  made fertile by the Holy Spirit, which brought forth our salvation and the Child,  the  Redeemer of the world revealed his face. Behold him of whom the ancient seers sang through the centuries, him whom before the writing of the faithful prophets had promised, let all things praise him.  With melodious voices let us sing the glory of the Father, chant glory to Christ, born of a Virgin Mother and eternal glory to the great Paraclete. Amen.

Officium lectionis: saec. VII-VIII

Radix Iesse flóruit
et virga fructum édidit;
fecúnda partum prótulit
et virgo mater pérmanet.

Præsæpe poni pértulit
qui lucis auctor éxstitit;
cum Patre cælos cóndidit,
sub matre pannos índuit.

Legem dedit qui sæculo,
cuius decem præcépta sunt,
dignándo factus est homo
sub legis esse vínculo.

Iam lux salúsque náscitur,
nox díffugit, mors víncitur;
veníte, gentes, crédite:
Deum María prótulit.

The root of Jesse has flowered and the branch has given forth fruit; the fertile Mother has borne a Son, yet remains a Virgin. He endures the manger, he who is the Creator of light; with his Father he created the heavens but he is clothed in diapers by his Mother. He who gave the Law to the world, the ten commandments, condescends to be made man, to be constrained  by the chain of the Law.  Now light and salvation are born, night flees and death is conquered; come, you nations, believe: Mary has given birth to God.

Laudes: saec. IX

Fit porta Christi pérvia
omni reférta grátia,
transítque rex, et pérmanet
clausa, ut fuit, per sæcula.

Summi Paréntis Fílius
procéssit aula Vírginis,
sponsus, redémptor, cónditor
suæ gigas Ecclésiæ:

Honor matris et gáudium,
imménsa spes credéntium,
lapis de monte véniens
mundúmque replens grátia.

Exsúltet omnis ánima,
quod nunc salvátor géntium
advénit mundi Dóminus
redímere quos cóndidit.

Christo sit omnis glória,
quem Pater Deum génuit,
quem Virgo mater édidit
fecúnda Sancto Spíritu. Amen.

A path is made through the gate of Christ, Mary full of all grace, through her the King has passed and she remains closed, as it was and ever shall be. The Son of the most high Father came forth from the Virgin’s womb, Bridegroom, Redeemer, Giant of his Church.  The honor and joy of his Mother, the great hope of  believers, the stone falling down from the mountain, filling the world with grace. Let every soul exult, for now the Savior of the nations, the Lord of the world comes to redeem what he created. To Christ be all glory, whom the Father begot, whom the Virgin Mother brought forth,  herself made fertile by the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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