Sunday, December 4, 2016


Ad Laudes matutinas: Paulinus II aquileiensis
Another Lombard grammarian, and one who earned the special affection of Alcuin, was Paulinus, who was born about 730, and after the destruction of the Lombard kingdom entered the service of the conqueror. Charles showed him great favour and made him a teacher of grammar in the royal school. He was, with Alcuin, the tutor of Angilbert, and continued at the school until, in 787, Charles promoted him to the Patriarchate of Aquileia. Deprived of the presence of his much loved companion, Alcuin sent him frequent letters and verses, and in one touching poem he begs that he will remember him before the altar of God:

sis memor Albini sacris altaribus adstans,
et dukes inter lacrimas super ora fiuentes
die: miserere, deus, nostro clementer amico,
criminibusque suis veniam largire benignus,
ut te cum sanctis Iiceat laudare per aevurn.!

The verses on the festival of Peter and Paul are in a higher strain, and rise at times to a note of lyrical beauty, as in the last stanzas which celebrate the Rome of the martyrs: 

o Roma felix, quae tantorum principum
es purpurata precioso sanguine,
excellis omnem mundi pulchritudinem,
non laude tua, sed sanctorum rneritis,
quos cruentatis iugulasti gladiis.

vos ergo modo, gloriosi martyres,
Petre beate, Paule, mundi lilium,
caelestis aulae triumphales milites
precibus almis vestris nos ab omnibus
munite malis, ferte super aethera."

Raby ibid. pp.168-169.

Petrus beátus catenárum láqueos
Christo iubénte rupit mirabíliter;
custos ovílis et doctor Ecclésiæ,
pastórque gregis, conservátor óvium
arcet lupórum truculéntam rábiem.

Quodcúmque vinclis super terram strínxerit,
erit in astris religátum fórtiter,
et quod resólvit in terris arbítrio,
erit solútum super cæli rádium;
in fine mundi iudex erit sæculi.

Glória Patri per imménsa sæcula,
sit tibi, Nate, decus et impérium,
honor, potéstas Sanctóque Spirítui;
sit Trinitáti salus indivídua
per infiníta sæculórum sæcula. Amen.

Blessed Peter, at Christ’s command, wondrously broke the trap of chains; Guardian of the fold and Teacher of the Church, Shepherd of the flock and Protector of the sheep he drives away the violent rage of the wolves.  Whatever he bounds with chains on earth will be firmly bound in heaven and what by his judgement is unloosed on earth will be unloosed in the height of heaven: in the end he will judge the world. Glory to the Father through infinite ages, praise and authority to you, O Son, honor and power to the Holy Spirit, undivided strength to the Trinity though the infinity of the ages. Amen.

Ad Vesperas: novus

Divína vox te déligit,
piscátor, ac pro rétibus
remísque qua tu glória
cæli refúlges clávibus!

Tenax amóris próferens
ac dulce testimónium,
omnes amor quos láverat
oves regéndas áccipis.

Lapsus, supérno róbore
tu petra stas Ecclésiæ,
qua splendet illa sæculis,
nullis subácta víribus.

Tu, Petre, Christi oráculo
luces magíster ómnium,
fratrésque firmas, próvidus
tu verba vitæ núntias.

Gregem fac unum, próspera
lætis in ævum frúctibus,
salvúmque ab hostis ímpetu
ad lucis adduc pábula.

Sit summa Christo glória,
qui nos det aulæ cælicæ
intráre per te iánuam
in sempitérna gáudia. Amen.

The divine voice chose you, O Fisherman, that instead of nets and oars your shining glory should be the keys of heaven. Firm confessor sweet witness of love, you receive all those whom love has cleansed  as sheep of the kingdom. Although fallen, by heavenly strength you are the Rock of the Church, by which she shines through the ages and no power has overcome her. You, O Peter, by Christ’s command are the Teacher of all and you strengthen your brothers, as you watchfully proclaim the words of life. Prosper and unite the flock that she might be joyously fruitful through the ages and safe from the enemy’s attack until she reach the pastures of light. To Christ be highest glory, who through you, O Peter, grants us to enter in endless praise the gate of the heavenly court. Amen.

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