Saturday, December 10, 2016


Ad Officium lectionis: saec. V-VI

Christe, cælórum Dómine,
mundi salvátor máxime,
qui crucis omnes múnere
mortis solvísti légibus,

Te nunc orántes póscimus,
tua consérves múnera,
quæ sacra per mystéria
cunctis donásti géntibus.

Tu agnus mitis, ínnocens,
oblátus terræ víctima,
sanctórum vestes ómnium
tuo lavásti sánguine.

Quos redemísti prétio
tui sacráti córporis,
cælo resúrgens ádvehis
ubi te laudant pérpetim.

Quorum nos addas número,
te deprecámur, Dómine,
qui Patri nos ex ómnibus
fecísti regnum pópulis. Amen.

O Christ, Lord of the heavens, most high Savior of the world, who by the gift of the cross loosen all from the law of death. Now we pray you that you preserve the gifts which through the sacred mysteries you have given to all nations. You the gentle, innocent Lamb offered as a sacrificial victim for the world have washed the robes of all the saints in your blood. Rising lead to heaven those whom you have redeemed at the cost of your holy body that they may praise you forever.  Add us to their number, we ask you, O Lord, you who have made us a kingdom from all peoples. Amen.

Ad Laudes matutinas: saec. V-VI

Tibi, Redémptor ómnium,
hymnum defléntes cánimus;
ignósce nobis, Dómine,
ignósce confiténtibus.

Qui vires hostis véteris
per crucem mortis cónteris,
qua nos vexíllum fídei,
fronte signáti, férimus,

Illum a nobis iúgiter
repéllere dignáveris,
ne possit umquam lædere
redémptos tuo sánguine.

Qui propter nos ad ínferos
descéndere dignátus es,
ut mortis debitóribus
vitæ donáres múnera,

Tu es qui certo témpore
datúrus finem sæculo,
iustus cunctórum mérita
remunerátor státues.

Te ergo, Christe, quæsumus,
ut nostra cures vúlnera,
qui es cum Patre et Spíritu
laudándus in perpétuum. Amen.

To you, O Redeemer of all, we weep and sing a hymn: forgive us, O Lord, forgive us who confess our sins. You who crush the strength of the ancient enemy through the cross of death, by which we, signed on our foreheads, bear the banners of the faith. Vouchsafe always to drive him away from us, so that he may no longer injure those redeemed by your blood. You who for our sake deigned to descend into hell that you might give to those charged with death the gift of life. May you, who will at the appointed time bring the world to an end, justly acknowledge and reward the merits of all. You, therefore, we pray, O Christ, that you heal our wounds, who are with the Father  and the Spirit, ever praise-worthy. Amen.

Ad Vesperas: saec. X

Auctor salútis únice,
mundi redémptor ínclite,
rex, Christe, nobis ánnue
crucis fecúndæ glóriam.

Tu morte mortem díruens
vitámque vita lárgiens,
mortis minístrum súbdolum
devíceras diábolum.

Piis amóris ártibus
somno sepúlcri tráditus,
sedes reclúdis ínferi
patrésque dicis líberos.

Nunc in Paréntis déxtera
sacráta fulgens víctima,
audi, precámur, vívido
tuo redémptos sánguine,

Quo te diébus ómnibus
puris sequéntes móribus,
advérsus omnes ímpetus
crucis ferámus lábarum.

Patri, tibi, Paráclito
sit æqua, Iesu, glória,
qui nos crucis victória
concédis usque pérfrui. Amen.

O sole Author of our salvation, great Redeemer of the world, King, O Christ, bestow upon us the grace of the fruitful cross. You have destroyed death by death and granted life by life. You conquer  the crafty devil, the minister of death. Handed over by the skill of love to sleep in the tomb, you open up the habitations of hell and command our fathers to be set free. Now on the Father’s right hand, the resplendent holy sacrifice, hear, we pray, and see those redeemed by your blood. That following you all our days in a pure life, we may bear the standard of the cross against every attack. To the Father, to you, to the Paraclete, O Jesus, equal glory, who grants us to enjoy forever the victory of the Cross. Amen.

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