Sunday, December 18, 2016



Ad Officium lectionis: novus

Philíppe, summæ honóribus
vocatiónis énitens,
cum cive Petro príncipe
qua mente Christum díligis!

At ipse amóris íntima
tibi repéndit pígnora,
tibíque Patris dísserit
suæque vitæ dógmata.

Nec te minus compléctitur,
Iacóbe, Christi cáritas,
qui frater eius díceris
sed et colúmna Ecclésiæ.

Almæ Sion qui præsides
primus gregi claríssimo,
nos usque scriptis próvidis
verbum salútis édoces.

O vos, beáti, nóbili
Iesum proféssi sánguine,
spe nos fidéque cúrrere
date in supérnam pátriam,

Ut, quando mansiónibus
iam Patris immorábimur,
simul canámus pérpetim
in Trinitátis glóriam. Amen.

O Philip, glittering with the honors of the highest calling, along with your fellow citizen Peter the prince of the Apostles, you loved Christ. Who rewarded you with most intimate pledges of love and explained to you the truth of the relationship between his own life and the Father. No less did the love of Christ embrace you, O James, you who were called his brother and pillar of the Church.  You who first presided over the glorious flock of your own city, Jerusalem, and taught from the holy scripture the word of salvation. O you apostles, blessed and noble, who shed your blood for Jesus, grant that we may run faithfully to our heavenly fatherland.  That,  when we dwell in the Father’s mansions, we may forever sing the glory of the Trinity. Amen.


Ad Officium lectionis: novus

Matthía, sacratíssimo
Apostolórum cœtui
quam miro tu consílio
ascríptus es divínitus!

Abscésserat discípulus,
tristi miser suspéndio
magni gradum fastígii
Christíque amórem dénegans.

En Christi te diléctio
ad eius transfert glóriam,
Petri movénte lábia
sortésque Sancto Spíritu.

Tanto dicátus múneri,
lucem revélas géntibus
ad mortem usque, strénuus
Iesum conféssus sánguine.

Da nos, beáte Apóstole,
lætis promptísque córdibus
almus quascúmque Spíritus
vias demónstrat, pérsequi.

Sit Trinitáti glória,
quæ nobis ad cæléstia
per te concédat scándere
hymnósque ætérnos dícere. Amen.

O Matthias, O you were divinely enrolled in most holy band of the Apostles by their wondrous decision.  One wretched disciple had gone away and had sadly hung himself, rejecting both great honor and the love of Christ.  By Christ’s love for you he raised you to this glory, when Peter moved by Holy Spirit announced that lot had fallen on you. A great gift was decreed that you would reveal the light to the gentiles even at the price of death, courageously confessing Jesus with your blood. Grant to us, O blessed Apostle, that with joyful and prompt hearts and the prompting of the strengthening Spirit,  we may follow in the way he shows us.  To the Trinity be glory, who causes us through you to ascend the heavens and sing eternal hymns. Amen.

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