Saturday, December 3, 2016


Ad Officium lectionis & Ad Vesperas: Paulinus II aquileiensis?

Formerly in the Roman Breviary the hymns for this feast were taken from the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the Durham and Canterbury Hymnals  this hymn was sung at Vespers on Candlemas and was specifically assigned to Second Vespers (Inge B. Milfull, The Hymns of the Anglo-Saxon Church; Gernot R. Wieland, The Canterbury Hymnal).

Quod chorus vatum venerándus olim
Spíritu Sancto cécinit replétus,
in Dei factum genetríce constat
  esse María.

Hæc Deum cæli Dominúmque terræ
virgo concépit peperítque virgo,
atque post partum méruit manére

Quem senex iustus Símeon in ulnis
in domo sumpsit Dómini, gavísus
ob quod optátum próprio vidéret
  lúmine Christum.

Tu libens votis, pétimus, precántum,
regis ætérni génetrix, favéto,
clara quæ fundis Géniti benígni
  múnera lucis. (1)

Christe, qui lumen Patris es supérni, (2)
qui Patris nobis réseras profúnda,
nos fac ætérnæ tibi ferre laudes
  lucis in aula. Amen.

1. The final two lines in this stanza in Durham and Canterbury: clara que celsti renitens Olymphi/ regna petisti: Milfull's translation: 'you who, shining in your brightness, sought the kingdom of heaven above'.  2. Earlier doxology: sit deo nostro decus et potestas.etc.

What once the worshipful choir of the prophets sang filled with the Holy Spirit, is accomplished in Mary the Mother of God. A Virgin conceived and a Virgin gave birth to the God of heaven and the Lord of earth and she was deemed worthy to remain inviolate after birth.  The righteous old man took the Child into his arms and entered the Lord’s house, joyously he saw with his own eyes the Christ he had desired to see. We ask you, O Mother of the eternal King, honor our petitions, you who pour out the shining gifts of your kind Son. O Christ, who are the light of your heavenly Father, who open to us the depths of the Father, grant that we may offer you endless praise in the courts of light. Amen.

Ad Laudes matutinas: Petrus Abelardus

Adórna, Sion, thálamum, (1)
quæ præstoláris Dóminum;
sponsum et sponsam súscipe
vigil fídei lúmine.

Beáte senex, própera,
promíssa comple gáudia
et revelándum géntibus
revéla lumen ómnibus.

Paréntes Christum déferunt,
in templo templum ófferunt;
legi parére vóluit
qui legi nihil débuit.

Offer, beáta, párvulum,
tuum et Patris únicum;
offer per quem offérimur,
prétium quo redímimur.

Procéde, virgo régia,
profer Natum cum hóstia;
monet omnes ad gáudium
qui venit salus ómnium.

Iesu, tibi sit glória,
qui te revélas géntibus,
cum Patre et almo Spíritu,
in sempitérna sæcula. Amen.

1. Antiphon for Procession: Adórna thálamum tuum, Sion, et súscipe Regem Christum: ampléctere Maríam, quæ est coeléstis porta: ipsa enim portat Regem glóriæ novi lúminis: subsístit Virgo, addúcens mánibus Fílium ante lucíferum génitum: quem accípiens Símeon in ulnas suas, prædicávit pópulis, Dóminum eum esse vitæ et mortis et Salvatórem mundi.

Adorn, O Sion, the wedding chamber, you who await the Lord: receive the groom and the bride, watch by the lamp of faith. Blessed elder, make haste, fulfill the joy promised you, reveal the light to enlighten all the gentiles.  The parents bring Christ the temple  to offer him in the temple; he,  who has no debt to the law, desires to obey the law. Offer, O blessed Lady, your Child and the Father’s Only-begotten; offer him though whom we are offered the price which redeems us. Ride on, O royal Virgin, offer your Son along with the required sacrifice; He, who comes as the salvation of all, admonishes all men to rejoice. O Jesus, to you be glory, you who revealed yourself to the Gentiles, with the Father and loving Spirit for eternal ages. Amen

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