Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Ad Officium lectionis: saec. XIV

Veni, præcélsa Dómina;
María, tu nos vísita,
quæ iam cognátæ dómui
tantum portásti gáudii.

Veni, iuvámen sæculi,
sordes aufer piáculi,
ac visitándo pópulum
pœnæ tolle perículum.

Veni, stella, lux márium,
infúnde pacis rádium;
rege quodcúmque dévium,
da vitam innocéntium.

Veni, precámur, vísites
nobísque vires róbores
virtúte sacri ímpetus,
ne fluctuétur ánimus.

Veni, virga regálium,
reduc fluctus errántium
ad unitátem fídei,
in qua salvántur cælici.

Veni, tecúmque Fílium
laudémus in perpétuum,
cum Patre et Sancto Spíritu,
qui nobis dent auxílium. Amen.

Come, O heavenly Lady, O  Mary, visit us, who once carried such great joy to the house of your kinswoman. Come, O help of the world, remove  the evil squalor, and by visiting the people, take away the threat of punishment.  Come, O star, O light of the seas, pour out the brightness of peace, steer the wandering back to innocence of life.  Come, visit us, we pray, and strengthen us with your power, by the force of your holy virtue prevent our souls from wavering. Come, O royal scepter, lead back the wave of errors to the unity of faith, by which the saints are saved. Come, let us eternally praise you and your Son, with the Father and Holy Spirit, who are our help. Amen.

Ad Laudes matutinas: saec. XVI?

Véniens, mater ínclita,
cum Sancti dono Spíritus,
nos ut Ioánnem vísita
in huius carnis sédibus.

Procéde, portans párvulum,
ut mundus possit crédere
et tuæ laudis títulum
omnes sciant extóllere.

Salúta nunc Ecclésiam,
ut tuam vocem áudiens
exsúrgat in lætítia,
advéntum Christi séntiens.

María, levans óculos,
vide credéntes pópulos:
te quærunt piis méntibus,
his opem feres ómnibus.

O veræ spes lætítiæ,
nostræ portus misériæ,
nos iunge cæli cúriæ
ornátos stola glóriæ.

Tecum, Virgo, magníficat
ánima nostra Dóminum,
qui laude te nobílitat
et hóminum et cælitum. Amen.

Hastening, O noble mother, with the gift of the Holy Spirit, visit us in our fleshly abode as you once visited John. Go forth, carrying the little baby that the world might believe and all may know to praise your name. Greet now the Church, that hearing your voice she may rise in gladness, knowing the coming of Christ. O Mary, raise your eyes, see the people who believe; they seek you with dutiful souls , you who bring help to all.  O hope of true joy,  the safe port for our misery, join us to the heavenly courts and adorn us with the robes of glory. With you, O Virgin, our souls magnify the Lord, we, who ennoble you with the praise of men and of  the heavenly hosts. Amen.

Ad Vesperas: novus

Cóncito gressu petis alta montis,
Virgo, quam matrem Deus ipse fecit,
ut seni matri studiósi amóris
  pígnora promas.

Cum salutántis capit illa vocem,
ábditus gestit puer exsilíre,
te parens dicit dóminam, salútat
  teque beátam.

Ipsa prædícis fore te beátam
Spíritu fervens pénitus loquénte,
ac Deum cantu célebras amœno
  magna operántem.

Teque felícem pópuli per orbem
semper, o mater, récitant ovántes
atque te credunt Dómini favórum
  esse minístram.

Quæ, ferens Christum, nova semper affers
dona, tu nobis fer opes salútis,
qui pie tecum Tríadem supérnam
  magnificámus. Amen.

Quickly you search out the hill country, O Virgin, whom God has made a mother, anxious to relate to the older mother the pledge of love. When she hears the voice of  your greeting, the boy hiding in her womb eagerly leaps, calls you 'lady' and greets you as blessed. She foretells that you will be blessed,  the fiery Spirit speaking to her inwardly and you celebrate with a pleasing canticle the One who does great things.  The people throughout the world greet you and proclaim you happy, O Mother, and believe that you serve in the favor of the Lord. You, bearing Christ, ever bring new gifts, advancing the work of salvation for us, who with you lovingly magnify the heavenly Trinity. Amen.

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