Thursday, December 29, 2016


Ad Officium lectionis & ad Vesperas: novus

Te gratulántes pángimus,
Martha, beáta múlier,
quæ meruísti sæpius
Christum domi recípere.

Tantum libénter hóspitem
curis ornábas sédulis,
in plúrima sollícita
amóris dulci stímulo.

Pascis dum læta Dóminum,
soror ac frater ávide
possunt ab illo grátiæ
vitæque cibum súmere.

Captúro mortis trámitem
dante soróre arómata,
extrémi tu servítii
vigil donásti múnera.

Magístri felix hóspita,
corda fac nostra férveant,
ut illi gratæ iúgiter
sint sedes amicítiæ.

Sit Trinitáti glória,
quæ nos in domum cælicam
admítti tandem tríbuat
tecúmque laudes cánere. Amen.

We sing your praises, O Martha, blessed woman,  who was worthy often to receive Christ into your home. You so joyfully welcomed your guest with sollicit0us care, anxious in many things under the sweet sting of your love.  While you happily feed the Lord, your sister and brother enthusiastically were able to receive from him the food of grace and life. When the Lord was taken on the road to his death,  your sister provided him sweet smelling perfume and you gave the gift of final service by keeping watch over him. O happy hostess of the Master, make our hearts to burn to be grateful  seats of friendship. To the Trinity be glory, who grants at last for us to admitted into the heavenly home and with you to sing praises. Amen.

Ad Laudes matutinas: novus

Quas tibi laudes ferimúsque vota,
nos tuis possint méritis iuváre,
Martha, quam mire sibi corde iungit
  Christus amíco.

Te frequens visit Dóminus tuáque
in domo degit plácida quiéte
ac tuis verbis studiísque lætans
  teque minístra.

Tu prior fratrem quéreris perísse,
cumque germána lacrimáta multum,
áspicis vitæ súbita Magístri
  voce redíre.

Quæ fide prompta stábilem fatéris
spem resurgéndi, Dómino probánte,
ímpetra nobis cúpide in perénne
  pérgere regnum.

Laus Deo Patri, Genitóque virtus,
Flámini Sancto párilis potéstas,
glóriam quorum pétimus per ævum
  cérnere tecum. Amen.

We offer to you praise and prayers that by your merits they may help us , O Martha, whom Christ marvelously united to his heart in friendship. The Lord often visited you and in your home enjoyed peaceful rest, happy in your words and zeal and service. At first you protest the death of your brother and with your sister shed many tears, but then you see him restored to life at the command of the Master. Moved by faith you announce firm hope in the resurrection, when the Lord asks you,  pray that we may  eagerly come to the eternal kingdom. Praise to God the Father, strength to the Begotten, equal power to the Holy Spirit, whose glory we with you seek to see through ages. Amen.

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